A Day in Hospital

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I'm looking at my phone, hoping Sehun would at least text me about his mom's condition.

"Should we buy something to eat?" Kai asks. "You haven't had dinner, have you?" he says as we drive through Itaewon.

"I'm alright. I'm not really hungry to be honest" i say.

"Okay, we're stopping at McDonald's first" he says.

I pinch his arm. "I'm not a five years old who eats happy meal!" i protest.

"In my eyes you're like a little girl that i need to protect" Kai says.

"I can't believe you ask her to come with you in the middle of the night" Chanyeol says as soon as we enter his room.

"Saying hello would be nice" Kai says.

"Anieyo, oppa. I want to go here" i say.

"Is everything alright?" Chanyeol asks as if he knows what happened earlier.

"Why are you so sensitive hyung?" Kai asks. "Did something happen?"

Chanyeol shrugs.
"Nothing.. I'm just restless" he says.

"Are you sleeping here?" Chanyeol asks, not sure to whom.

"I'm planning on doing that but i don't know if--"

I cut Kai's sentences.
"I can go home if that bothers you"
i say.

"What? No, i'd rather you stay here" Chanyeol says.

Kai and i turn our head together.

"I mean... we can play games and such things..." Chanyeol says.

"I'm in!" I say excitedly.

"Mwoya? Why are you agreeing so fast?" Chanyeol asks. I put on my confused expression.

"You shouldn't agree that fast when a man asks you to do something. What if that man wants to take advantage of you?" Chanyeol explains.

I pinch his arm.
"If you're not my brother's best friend, i'd kicked your ass already" i say.

Kai and Chanyeol laughs.

"Naeun, wash your hands. You better eat your dinner" Kai says. I stand up and walk to the toilet without realizing.


"Hyung.. I don't think i can stay the night. Youngmin hyung just told me that i have a morning photoshoot..."

"Gwaenchana. Take her with you. Her back will be in pain if she sleeps on the sofa" Chanyeol responds.

They must've thought that i've already fallen asleep.

"Uhm... i think she better stay here with you" Kai suggest. Huh?

"What are you talking about?" Chanyeol asks. "She can't sleep here alone"

"Why?" Jongin asks. "You're scared that you might possibly like her?"

Holy shit.
What's that supposed to mean?

"You must be crazy" Chanyeol responds

"Not me. You are" Kai laughs.

"Jongin-ah, you better go home now before i stand up to strangle you" Chanyeol threatens. His tone sounds to be really serious.

"Arasso. I'll leave you guys alone" Kai says and a loud thump follows his footstep to the door.

I wake up to the sound of television. It must be morning already.

"Good morning" Chanyeol says.

"Oh? Good morning to you too" i smile and sit up. Chanyeol instantly laughs.

"Haven't you seen my just woke up face?" i ask.

"I'm not laughing at your face" he says. I raise my eyebrows.

"You should see your hair" he says. "It's even worse than Jongin's messy hair"

I stand up to see myself in the mirror.

Holy shit. My hair is such a mess!

"Naeun-ah, come here" Chanyeol says.

I quickly go to his bed and sit next to him. "What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?" i ask.

"You...uhh you have a comb tangled in your hair.." Chanyeol says while pointing at my hair.

"OH MY GOD! What the heck?!" i shout as i try to pull it out of my messy hair. Chanyeol laughs loudly.

"This is not funny! I'm freaking out!"
I protests.

"You need to stop pulling it. Wash your hair. It'll be easier to take it out afterwards" Chanyeol suggests.

Without a second thought, i run myself to the bathroom. Today can't be the bad hair day.

"What's with that look?" Chanyeol says as soon as i come out of bathroom.

I turn around to show him that the comb is still stuck in my hair.

"I guess cutting your hair is the only way to solve this..." Chanyeol says. I glare back at him.

"Come here" he orders. I walk straight to him and he makes a room for me to sit next to him.

Chanyeol starts to do something to my tangled hair.

"Stop moving around. I'm trying my best to clean up this mess" he says. I just nod shamelessly.

After five minutes for being in a complete statue mode, Chanyeol shows me the comb that has been stuck in my head since this morning.

I pinch both of his cheeks as i say "Kamsahamnida"

"Stop doing that" Chanyeol says.

"Oooooh looks like someone is pissed"
i tease him.

"What i meant is stop looking me like that" he replies.

"Like what?"

"As if i'm someone you fell in love with" Chanyeol says as he looks me in the eyes.


My smile fades away. I'm panicking.

"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend, dummy" he says. "I'm just complimenting your smile"

"Uhh...thanks?" i shrug.

"But i'd be such a liar to say that i don't like you at all"

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