Three for the price of one.

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Gynecologist: Mr. Andersson, you wife is pregnant with trizygotic triplets, congratulations.

Benny's soul returned to his body, TRIPLETS? was the first thing he thought, it was complete craziness what he had just heard, his emotion had tripled and he didn't know what to say, his eyes watered and his smile from ear to ear, he couldn't believe it, Agnetha, Björn and Görel either could stop smiling it illuminated their lives.

Benny: can I enter? I want to be with Frida. He looked like an excited child—.

Gynecologist: Yes, the nurse will come looking for you in a moment.

They gave each other a group hug, they were all happy and excited.

Björn: congratulations, bro... gave him a pat on his shoulder—.

Agnetha: tell Frida that we love her and that we all expect her here, the four of them she put both  hands in his face of emotion,— I can't believe it.

Benny: can you please call Hans to tell Peter and Heléne, also to go with Göran, after what happened last night I don't want him to be alone for long.

Agnetha: don't worry, I'll take care of it.

The nurse came out looking for Benny and he followed her to the room where Frida was. He came in smiling, went to the bed and took her hand but she didn't say or do anything, just watched, he touched her belly that was uncovered, he smiled and began to kiss it.

Her tears fell, she thought over and over the words of Mona saying that she was expecting a baby with Benny, she stopped his kisses by putting her hand. The doctor entered the room and sat on the chair near the monitor, put Gel on Frida's belly.

Gynecologist: let's see your triplets.

Benny's eyes lit up, without letting go of Frida's hand and still seeing the monitor fixedly as if he had discovered something new, Frida kept looking at him, he looked so tender and happy but of every cute thought she had of him three passed her on his adventure with Mona and everything went down. When she could stop seeing at him turned to the monitor while the doctor marked three stripes.

Gynecologist: baby number 1, baby number 2 and baby number 3. They are in three different bags so they are twins to each other. It happens when a sperm fertilizes three ovules at the same time as it happened in this case. Now let's listen to their heartbeats.

The doctor placed a device on Frida's belly and tried to adjust it to listen, the first beats began to sound, Frida couldn't help but continue crying, she was very moved by not only seeing her children, but also being able to listen to them, Benny neither could hold back the tears of happiness, caressed Frida's hair and gave her hope by saying:

Benny: everything will be fine, I promise.

Frida and Benny went to the desk next to the doctor who was writing some instructions and filling out forms on Frida's health, Benny was anxious and was still holding her hand but she took it off and put it on her belly.

Doctor: as now are three babies the care should be triple and we must monitor you more often, I recommend that you don't make much effort, keep yourself as much as possible at rest and without strong emotions, today you came with an emotional shock that can't  happen again, so if you are going through a situation I am going to recommend a mental health specialist so that you can work that part, it is very important that the mother is well not only physically but mentally for the proper development of the fetuses and their nervous system.

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