I've been waiting for you

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At 12:00 a.m. Frida woke up because she felt cramps again, she had nausea; ran to the bathroom and vomited again. She felt she didn't have the strength to get up again, it was already very strange, all the symptoms indicated only one thing and she had to confirm it in how much sooner.

When she returned to the bedroom, she realized that Andersson wasn't in bed, apparently he had left although she told him that she didn't want to go out and he hadn't yet arrived. Frida was furious, she couldn't believe that he didn't even care if she was right or bad.

The next day, early in the morning Benny started calling Frida to get up, they had to go to work but Frida just turned around and asked him to leave her alone.

Without adding further, Benny left again, dropped the children off at school and went to the studio. Three hours later, while Frida was in the bathroom noticed that she had bled, thought it could be menstruation since she had more than a month without getting it. But then she got scared because the pain she had in her belly was very strong and  had remembered all the symptoms she had previously.

She wore a coral pink hoodie and some coral pink sports pants with sneakers. She took her handbag and the keys to her car and went to the hospital with her gynecologist.

When she arrived, she couldn't stand the pain anymore, she was very scared of what could be happening to her and even though Benny was her partner she felt very lonely, if it was what she thought, she couldn't believe that it was her turn to be there alone.

Upon entering she explained to the nurse what she had and they quickly attended her, she was placed in a wheelchair and taken to emergencies, then her doctor arrived at the place as fast as she could.

Doctor: Mrs. Lyngstad, what do you feel?

Frida: I'm bleeding, I thought it could be my period but it hurts a lot and I'm scared because I've had dizziness and vomiting.

Doctor: So, do you suspect that you're pregnant?

Frida: remained for ten seconds in silence while thinkingI don't know, I guess it's a possibility.

Doctor: Well, let's do analysis and check yourself. Are you alone?

Frida: Yes, I came alone.

Doctor: I think we should tell Mr. Andersson just in case, we still don't know what you have but it is important that he is here.

Frida: no... do not bother him, please.

Doctor: well, for now it's fine but if necessary we'll do it.

They took Frida to do blood tests to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, while waiting for the tests they had put a serum with some drugs to stop the bleeding. After a while the doctor returned with some papers in his hand, told her that they had to move her to the ultrasound room to see her belly.

Frida: What do I have, doctor? said impatiently and seeing the papers he had in his hand—.

Doctor: Mrs. Lyngstad, the tests indicate that you are pregnant but before making any diagnosis we must first see your belly to make sure that everything is fine and that the bleeding has not affected more.

Frida put her hands on her belly and her tears welled up, she couldn't believe she was pregnant and she found out. She was scared because she was afraid that the bleeding caused something greater and she also felt bad because Benny wasn't at her side to do it to feel safe, was alone and helpless. She was taken to the ultrasound room, she lay down on the stretcher leaving her belly uncovered, the doctor in charge of examining her was very kind.

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