Apoligies 😭😭

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(I cried 😢 I cried a lot 😭)


You look up from your uncle Mikey's shoulder and gasp as you see your dad tears falling down his beak his head lowered in shame his katana not on his back his mask out of place on his face.

You gulp as you walk towards him you uncle Mikey watching worried as he gulps hoping nothing would happen.


He falls to his knees looking at you teary E/C orbs with his own clouded over sapphire eyes.

"Y/N?" He takes your cheek in his three fingered hand looking at the gauze on it that was keeping you cut from bleeding but he could see the patches of red leaking through the centre "I'm so I I'm" He chokes.

You throw your arms around him crying.

"Please I'll be good!" You cry "I'm sorry I was a bad daughter I-I don't take me back to the van I wanna stay here dad please" you cry nuzzling your nose into his neck.

"Hay flower look at me" He cups your cheek crying "you are the best thing in my god dam mutant life! I love you more than anything ANYTHING" he says and shakily kisses your head "please forgive me Hana" he says sadly.

You nose as you berry your head under his chin nuzzling into his neck like when you were young "I do I forgive you dad... please love me again..."

Your dads heart shattered at that moment as you looked down at you, that day he swore he would never hurt a hair on your head EVER again.


You blink you eyes open as your chest feels like it's on fire, you groan in pain and see the oxygen mask over your face and tear up as you panic the heart monitor going off.

In ran the big armed deep green turtle bandana off gear off and he sees you and tears up as he runs over and takes your hand.

"It's ok princess shhh your safe" he says kissing your knuckles like he use to when you would need an injection or extra oxygen and got scared.

You gulp and nod as he nods back and kisses the mask fighting back tears but they fall anyway.

"Baby I'm so sorry" he cries.

You weakly try to move your arms but the lack of oxygen your getting through your body made it super hard.

He takes your hands and places them on his beak right where you wanted them as he smiles sadly knowing that that small gesture said a whole lot.

"I love you Y/N you will ALWAYS be my princess and my baby" he says leaning his beak against your oxygen mask as you smile weakly and nod.


You woke up the next morning in a empty hammock but with it full of pillows and blankets in the place of your uncle, guess his sleeping pattern is still messed up.

You stood up as your legs shook the adrenaline of yesterday finally wearing off as you gulp and wipe the small tears that gathered in your eyes refusing to let them fall.

You walk out the door and shakily make your way down the stairs to the lower level where your uncle Mikey smiles.

"Y/N YOU CAME BACK WE WERE SO WORRIED!!!" He says scooping you up in his arms as you giggled.

Uncle Mikey always could cheer you up.

Suddenly you both look to the side as you hear banging and the sound of metal hitting concrete as your dad runs out teary eyed bandana all messed up eyes puffy and red.

"Father!!" Your ran and jumped into his arms as he hugged you close "I'm so sorry I'm a bad daughter and and you can drop me off somewhere if you want to but I I love you and!"

"Y/N I would never do that, I'm so sorry I said those awful things darling I am so so sorry but I didn't mean any of them I swear it, I love you more than anything, than science than purple than Mikey"

"Hay!" Uncle Mikey said from behind you.

You giggle and hug him "I love you"

"You two are dumb for smart people!" Mikey yells crying as he blew his nose.

You both laugh at Mikey's strangeness.


Uncle Leo held your hand as Donnie rubbed antiseptic on your bad grazes such as this big one on your knee that got gravel all in it.

Leo smiles at you as Donnie sighs "what did I say about knee pads Y/N Hamato" He says sternly.

"Sorry uncle D it wasn't on my list when I ran away" you say sassily smiling.

Raph high fives you as he handed Donnie the bandages and he wrapped your knees elbows and hands well putting gauze on the smaller scrapes on your arms and legs.

"WHERES MY CUPCAKE!!" Mikey screams entering teary eyed.

"Hay pa look battle wounds" you smirk pointing to your bandaged body.

"Oooo nice ones" Mikey says every thought of apologising out the window as he starts talking to you about every time he fell off a skateboard.

"Did she forget that he called her a freak or something" Raph mumbles to Leo.

You gasp tearing up "PA UNCLE RAPH CALLED ME A FREAK" you cried as he hugged you.

"Raphael shame on you!" Mikey yells glaring "I love my green girl the way she is" he says brushing a finger over your green spotted eye as you smile and hug him.

Your uncles just stand there thinking

'O god there's two Mikey's'


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