How your like him

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Raph always called you jungle girl, maybe it was cause you were always climbing up something of hanging upside down swinging into a room laughing.

It reminded him of your dad while they were patrolling, when your dad does the same thing.

He blamed the jungle, he was determined to turn you into a city girl but your dad loved you exactly how you were.


You were a pretty tough kid, Donnie had seen you with burns, scraped knees, bruises and all sorts.

And you were tough, you didn't cry, complain unlike your dad you did smile tho mainly cause you loved your uncles so much.


Your were uper intelligent, like Mikey was amazed how smart you were for a five year old, you loved math, English, science, science especially!

Mikey and you would make baking Sosa volcanos and magnetic puzzles all the time because.



You were your fathers daughter in EVERY aspect, you ate pizza, skated, loved life, were always laughing at something.

I think it confused Leo but he loved how you were, it's like his baby brother as a baby again and he loved watching over you.

But seriously he's still searching for something you and your dad don't share in common.


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