Nicknames/ What you call him

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He calls you little ninja and sometimes flower, you are his little ninja so the name seemed fitting and your soft and beautiful like a flower, he has called you climber before since you seem to really love the trees and being high up in em.

You call him dad, father was to formal and daddy wasn't formal enough so dad seemed perfect.


He calls you princess and star, you were his world so princess was absolutely perfect even tho his brothers teased him, and you loved imagining what the sky looked like since he would describe it to you and you started drawing stars, you drew so many that he made them into a paper chain which you hung on the walls in your room, but you were a really bad tether when you were growing teeth and developed the nickname chompy.

You call him pa, your a tough little girl and hate girly things (most things) so you called him pa, that and it didn't get him teased so pa was good.


He calls you little genius or space, little genius is what he calls you most and space became a cute nickname after you fell asleep hugging his telescope one night, he has called you IT before on account of your first words.

You call him father, it makes him sound just as intelligent as he is but you do call him dad every now and then.


He has so may nicknames for you, his favourites are angel cakes, doll and party animal, your were and angel that was as sweet as cake and BOOM angel cakes was born, doll was just as cute as you and literally your first word was party so OF CORSE Mikey calls you party animal.

You call him daddy, you tried calling him dad once and he DID NOT like that so you were stuck calling him that for all eternity, not that you cared.

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