First steps

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You giggled as you watched your dad sigh in defeat, he wanted you to walk but you were perfectly happy sitting there doing nothing.

"Come on little ninja please" He asks nicely as he stands you on your feet.

You fall back on your bum and laugh.

He sighs in defeat yet again as he walks away sadly, you didn't like when your daddy was sad.

"D-daddy" you wine as he payed no attention to you and went to see to the fire that burned in the middle of the cave.

You pout as you watch your daddy stair at the flame and look down.

You'd been a bad girl.

You go onto your hands and knees as you push yourself up and face plant immediately as you wine in pain and rub your face.

You crawl over to the cave wall and hold onto it as you shakily stood you, you waddle around still holding the wall as you laugh.

"I know Y/N" Leo laughs as he turns around "maybe dads being" he freezes as he sees you waddling around the car walls "Y/N!!" He says happily as you turn to him.

Your smile grows as you see your dad and giggle as you waddle away from the wall and clumsily run over to him laughing.

He picks you up and throws you in the air catching you and nuzzling your neck as you laugh.

"That's my brave little ninja!" He cheers.


Your dad was asleep again as you were sitting with uncle Donnie as you coloured happily by his feet while he smiled down at his little niece.

You look up at him "uncle onnie!!" You say as you show him your picture as you had drawn the roof of the lair.

Donnie chuckles as he takes it "should I add it to the pile" he asks.

You nod as he gets up and walks out of the lab so he can put it on the fridge.

You smiled as you waited for him but wine as he was gone for a while.

You crawl steps that lead out of his area as you look around, you look and see the step.

You flare at it as you turn around and slide down on your belly so you were standing on your little feet.

You wobble around as you 'walk' towards the kitchen.

You see uncle Donnie and uncle Mikey talking and walk in "uncle onnie!" You yell angrily.

He jumps and turns to see you standing wobbly and smiles "good girl Y/N wait till your dad"

You cough as you fall over and start a coughing fit causing Donnie to panic and Mikey to run and go find your dad.

Donnie kneels down and rubs your back as you cough crying.

Raph runs in and sees you red face tears and coughing like a mad man.

"Princess!!" He runs over as he picks you up in his arms and rubs your back "what did we say about crawling to far your lungs can't keep up sweetheart" he says wilt worry laced in his Brooklyn accent.

Donnie smiles sadly "bro she walked"

You cough as you whimper shaking as you cry your coughing stopping as you hug your dad.

"I missed her first steps" Raph says sadly as you looks at you.

'Fuck' Raph thinks


Donnie was walking as you were standing on his feet laughing cutely while holding one of his large green fingers while he walks around.

"Shell my feet are really heavy" he says working along as you laugh with him.

"Goodness what could" he picks you up and nuzzles your cheek "it was my little genius what were you doing there" he asks smiling.

You laugh when he puts you down on your feet and clap as you waddle around cutely like your dad was.

Donnie's face grew into a huge smile as he picks you up "that's my smart little girl!!" He says nuzzling you as you laugh more and smile.


Mikey was eating pizza when you shakily run in.

"Pa pizza pizza pa!" You say reaching up.

"of corse angel cakes" he says and hands you a crust as you munch on it happily while wobbly walking away.

Mikey smiles and keeps eating his pizza.


You were munching on the last piece of the crust when you hear your dad scream and he runs in and falls over then runs to you again.

"You walked!! Party animal you walked omg angel cakes your so amazing your the best daughter, WHY DO I NOT PAY ENOUGH ATTENTION TO YOU IM SUCH A BAD DAD" he cries as you sit there wondering why he didn't notice you walking yesterday.

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