First words

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Leo stared at you as you played around with a leaf and a bit of bark you found on ten floor of the dark cave, he had to leave to make sure the village was ok, which meant leaving you alone for the first time.

He knew you'd be upset but maybe he just told himself that because it gave him a reason to want you beside him always.

For the past nearly month you had been living with your mutant dad and in your small young mind you saw nothing wrong with that, you loved him he loved you and you loved that cave, that was that, but lately he'd been nervous and talking to himself, talking is weird.

You watch as your dad grabbed his cape and looked back at you and to the exit back and forth what had to be a trillion times as you whimper when he walks towards the exit.

"I know little ninja I don't wanna leave either but.... I have to make sure" he says as you cut him off by yelling

"Daddy!!!" As you cry you yell your first word shocking the turtle as he looks back at you.

"What did you say!?" He asks walking towards you.

"Daddy" you wine making the up motion with your hands.

The hugest smile spreads across the turtles face as he pics you up and nuzzles your cheek as you nuzzle back, eventually he just took you with him as you cling to your katana wielding dad in blue.


You watched as your dad slept, he was weird, he slept all day and when you woke up in the middle of the night crying wanting your dad, your uncles came in instead saying you dad had gone for a walk.

So there you were, sitting with your uncle mikey well your dad rested, you missed your dad and started whimpering.

Your uncle mikey looks at you worried as you tear up "o no no no no it's ok please don't" you burst into tears as you sob uncontrollably wanting your dad to come.

Mikey shrieks and takes you in his arms "no no no please"

"PAPA!!!" You scream crying as his eyes widen.

You hear something fall and then running as your dad walks in "Princess! What's wrong!?" He asks running to you "how's your breathing is it your asthma is it your lungs again WHAT!!?" He yells.

(Remember how in the first chapter Raphs daughter was sick well yah I forgot about that in the second chapter and now I've remembered so yah! :3)

You smile laughing "Papa!" You cheer.

"Wait! That's your first words!" He cheers as he takes you in his big three fingered hands and spins you around "my princess said her first words!"

Yah you made your pa happy.


You say at your fathers feet as he did his job you playing with a blanket your uncle mikey gave you, of corse it was orange but you didn't mind you liked the colour a lot actually.

You snuggle into it as your daddy talks to strangers for his job repeating "hello this is Donnie your friendly IT tech support" making you smile every time.

You thought it was funny but you loved your dad! Especially since he was so smart and you wanted to be just like that so you smile hugging the blanket and yell.

"IT tech supowt" You cheer

Donnie's eyes shoot to you you as he drops his head set and bends down "what was that lov?" He asks looking at you wanting you to say it again.

"It tech supowt!" You cheer laughing hugging your blanket as you fall on the ground on your back giggling.

He picks you up smiling as he kisses your cheeks laughing.

'A few minuets later'

"Hello this is Donnie" Donnie smiles as you say into the mic "it tech supowt" you giggle.

You love your daddies work, but you love him more.


You chew on the pizza crust as your dad and you eat in the van, your dad had work which meant because he didn't believe Donnie would pay attention and Raph was sleeping you got to come!

He tickles your belly cas you giggle, looking at you with your multi coloured eyes, Donnie had discovered you were burned by mutagen spilling on your skin which was cause for the green patches on your belly and one across your eye that had been died green at contact.

Mikey loved your green patches tho he found them adorable and loved kissing your green eye  lid so you would laugh.

He put the pizza down as Donnie texts him the next location of a party and he wines.

"Darling my beautiful skater girl never grow up like the kids at daddies parties ok?" He says strapping you into your car seat and starts driving to it.

"PARTY!!" You cheer giggling

"Exactly" Mikey says as he drives

A few seconds past when he suddenly slams on the breaks and looks at you "YOU SAID YOUR FIRST WORD!!!!"

You giggled.
You love your daddy even if he is a bit weird


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