Chapter 29

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Chapter 29





The news was all over the paper the next morning. The school gave us a holiday so that the police could do some investigation. I had this very eneasy feeling that this incident was related to what I saw that night and the weird message I got.

Let's be a Sherlock and list down the facts...

1. Some random dude dragged a bag and dumped it in the room.

2. It happened when no one was there in school.

3. Why? that is still a question.

4. How?

5. I just know I escaped death ><

6. He texted me....

7. How does he know my number?

Thinking of all this made my skin crawl. It was does that person know my number....SHERLOCK I NEED YOUR HELP :(

I fell flat on my bed and digested all that happened today slowly.

~To Chanyeol~ *Text*

J: "How was the audition?"

After few minutes...

C: "Great! How was school?"

J: "Abnormal..."

C: "Huh?"

J: "Check the Internet and search for our will be shocked..."

C: "Okaaay....0.o"

I closed my eyes for awhile and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


It was dark. The weather was terrible. Lightning struck and the room lit up creating shadows everywhere. A role of thunder followed.... I was in the staff room alone. Cold shivers traveling down my spine. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and quickly tried to finish the work I got from the teacher. I searched high and low for her things but to no avail.

"Be wouldn't want to end up like him ...right?"

"Who said that!?" I shouted grabbing the nearest thing I could for defense.

Hahahhahaha...Be careful Jasmine Chan.....hahaha

I woke up from my nightmare with perspiration all over my forehead. I saw my parents and brother all crowded around me asking me if I was okay. I told them I was fine and that it was just a nightmare.

"Jas we heard about your school...." My dad said.

"After some discussion...we thought of transferring you...but only after the police investigations are done...if they captured the culprit then it's ok...but if they didn't we're transferring you to another nearby school...." My mum explained.

At that state of mind all I could do was nod. After they left, I checked my so many messages and missed calls.

I called Chanyeol..

"Jas! are you okay? Why didn't you pick up?!" He asked sounding very worried.

I laughed slightly ...cute

"Err nothing I fell asleep cause I was very tired since you know...."

"While we are on that don't think it was anything to do with what..."

Dream come true { EXO Chanyeol }Where stories live. Discover now