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"Geez, how many of them did the murderer kill, exactly?" Leafy groaned as she searched through the forest for the HPHPRCC. "I'm not sure, but I think by now everything's going haywire, so we need to hurry," Firey sucked in the air through his teeth, being careful not to touch any trees directly.
Leafy sighed, "I'm not even sure if it's—" she stepped through a bush, immediately being hit with a cloud of dust. Coughing, Leafy brushed off the dust as there sat the unused HPHPRCC.
"Finally!" Firey exclaimed, staring at it in awe. "Alright, so we found it," Leafy cheered, a bit monotonously. "But how are we going to make the HPRC in a few hours or less?"
"We don't have to, it'll just take us a few minutes or less." Firey grinned.
"If you're planning on trying to get in there to do your little mechanic thing, we probably don't have the tools, much less the tools to actually get into the HPHPRCC to do the work. We'd need a wall teleporter for that."
"Mm. So we're already a step ahead."
"What do you mean?"
Firey cracked his knuckles, walking back over to the fence. Leafy silently stayed put, until she heard Firey carefully lead his arm into a hole in a tree, taking out Golf Ball and Tennis Ball's wall teleporter.

"Are you almost finished in there?" Leafy asked cautiously, knocking at the HPHPRCC walls. "I still can't believe you actually knew where GB and TB's wall teleporter was!"
"Meh. At least it went into good use," a muffled voice came from inside the walls of the HPHPRCC. "alright, I'm just about finished; stand back!"
Leafy did as instructed, stepping away as Firey teleported out of the walls, landing face first into the dirt. Leafy rolled her eyes and pulled him back up, "Alright, so now what do we do, nerd?"
"It should only take a few pushes of the lever to create an HPRC."
Leafy shrugged and tested Firey's theory, pulling and pushing on the lever.
It only took a few minutes until a new HPRC filled the area.

Leafy let out a hitched breath, turning to Firey. "W..What now?"
"It depends. Who should we recover first?"

[DISCONTINUED] Murder Detectives (A BFDI[A] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now