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Yoyleberry juice tracks and crystals..
That's all we have.
We have to look more carefully..

Golf Ball woke up. She didn't remember falling asleep, but she sat up, looking around. The bunker, as usual. She expected to see Fries in the current room but suddenly remembered his death.
"Great." She blinked.
Memories from the past night flew past her. Her straight face mood went to a frown. She stood up, walking to the table Fries sat on. She looked down at the paper with blood stains on it. Throwing it away, she started a new one. When they got out she would mail this letter to the Object Show Community to say she and TB will be going.

This is Golf Ball, BFDI(A) contestant.
The announcers and TV have been reported missing.
We will be sending me and Tennis Ball in their place.
I hope that it okay with you all and it reaches your standards.

              Golf Ball, BFDI(A) Contestant

She folded the piece of paper and stuck it into an envelope on a shelf. "Ruby was supposed to check the post office for mail everyday.." She muttered to herself. It was possible that Ruby gave all the letters to Fries. And there might be one with the address of the OS Community. (No, the address is not filming Skype calls on YouTube. XD)

She figured she would ask Ruby when she wakes up.

Concealing the note, Golf Ball woke up Tennis Ball.

. . .

Ruby and the others had awaken, so GB and TB took the time to try and ask her questions.
That's when Golf Ball got curious.

Ruby was metal.
"Have you been eating yoyleberries?" GB started, glancing at her.
"Why?" Ruby asked.
"You've been metal for quite some time now."
She held the yoyleberries in hand. "Yeah, I've been eating it since a long time ago. I've been making Yoyleberry soup since Pencils death." Ruby whistled, a knife in hand. "I lost my other knife yesterday, so I had to borrow from someone else." The knife was now stabbed in Yoyleberry juice.

"How did you lose your knife?" Golf Ball questioned.

It was the first silence of the day.

"Not important.. It's none of your business." Ruby coughed and hissed, walking away with the soup.
Golf Ball glanced at Tennis Ball, who was glaring at Ruby. "It's time to go out, and we have to get the letter in." Golf Ball continued.
"But we're gonna use all that time investigating the deaths, and Mail a letter! How are we gonna check the wall teleporter?"
"I guess we have to check tomorrow or something." Golf Ball shook her head as Tennis Ball just nodded.

Coiny unlocked the doors, opening it.
"Let's go," Golf Ball snatched the letter.

The duo ran as fast as they could to the post office. It was small, and.. Broken, or just really old and rusty.
They walked inside, seeing a Mail Man cap.
Golf Ball walked up to the dusty stand and hummed. "Uhm, hello sir. I'd like to send a letter." GB cleared her throat.
The man, who wasn't paying attention to her but to his phone, he pointed to a slot to his left.
"Thank you." Golf-Ball coughed, sliding her letter in.

. . .

"We're finally here," Golf Ball panted, looking at the cart with the dead remains. "Let's look." nodded TB. They pushed over the cart, so Fries fell out. They looked inside his fry packet, seeing a half of his last fry left.
  Yoyleberry soup marks were inside.
"First piece of evidence!" Golf Ball observed. She found a little piece of a crystal inside, but didn't really think about what is was.
Tennis Ball looked at Book's cover. Yet another knife was stuck inside. Taking it out, Tennis Ball observed it, seeing purple and red liquid.
"Why are there Yoyleberry marks on everything?" Golf Ball sighed. Tennis Ball shrugged. They started running over to the Freesmart treehouse, seeing Bubble and Ruby. They waved. "Can we come up to investigate Pencils death?" Golf Ball shouted. Ruby gave an 'uh oh' face as Bubble held a thumbs up. The doors open and so GB and TB ran upstairs.
They got to the top. "Where was Pencils death?" TB asked. "It was inside the treehouse." Bubble replied. "Is she still in there?" "Yeah, we didn't want to carry a dead corpse, so..." "Okay, great. Thanks!" TB replied as the duo ran inside.

The aroma reeked of blood and a decaying corpse, so they held their breath.
GB and TB started investigating. They saw blood marks on Pencil, along with purple and oddly, another crystal with a red fingerprint.

"We need to sort this out.." Golf Ball breathed.

[DISCONTINUED] Murder Detectives (A BFDI[A] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now