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A good day in the shade was all I really wanted.
It was all good.
It was great.
It was nice.
A good day in the shade turned into a bad day in the bunker.
Who knew that would have happened?

Golf Ball sighed, sitting with the others.
Fries and Pin were mapping out a plan for going outside daily to grow food and have fresh air. They told the rest of the bunker that the doors are open each other two hours. Golf Ball let out a sigh of relief, knowing that she and TB could check on the wall teleporter daily. She was now sitting on a carpet-bed, watching the Freesmarts look around with caution and sadness.
"One death can sure damage a lot." She frowned.

Doesn't it? One murder and the Freesmart gang is down. One murder and you all are locked up. One murder can ruin a whole day...
Golf Ball perked up at the sudden voice hitting her head, somehow a breeze flowing past her. She grunted and shook it off, looking at the time. It was almost time to go outside.


Golf Ball and Tennis Ball were shuffling their feet on the ground, walking to the tree. Book had stayed inside while the others were free. They were unusually quiet and kept their head down. Pin and Coiny were catching up, making sure not to be seen by other suspicious beings. They caught up to GB and TB, starting to walk with them. They sat near the tree, and finally broke the silence.

"Who killed Pencil?!"
"Don't know!"
"How are we supposed to find out?!"
"Is that the only murder?"

Golf ball frowned. "Well, at least there wouldn't be any more deaths. The door to the bunker is closed, and we all have our swipe cards to open it for us to get in." She stated as TB shrugged. "Yeah, but who knows." He looked down. They started cheering up by talking about BFDI and the BFDIA competition and their favorite highlights.

"It was pretty cool when I was on the Eiffel Tower with Gelatin, Firey, and Book." TB smiled back at the thought.
That's when it hit Golf Ball.


"GB? Hello!" Pin waved in front of her. Golf Ball shooed her hand away, glancing at the others who were looking at her. "Should we go somewhere else? We already checked the wall teleporter and it's doing fine." Golf Ball stated.

"Okay, sounds good." Coiny replied as TB and Pin got up.

"Yeah.. Let's go.." Golf Ball shuddered, thinking about the voice.


All of them scanned their cards, walking inside. Golf Ball fell onto her carpet bed in exhaustion already. She felt a bit sleepy after absorbing the info she had gotten earlier.

Pencil died.

We can't recover.

Book is in target.

The voice hit her again as she fell down, sleeping..

Pencil died.
Can't recover.
Book in target.
Pencil died.
Can't recover.
Book in target.
Pencil died.
Can't recover.
Book in target.
Pencil died.
Can't recover.
Book is dead.
Book is gone.
Book IS--

"WAKE UP!" TB shouted. "BOOK IS DEAD!" he shook her awake. "W-What?!" She yawned. "So earlier Fries went out to look around for suspicious activity while growing Growtatoes. He heard shifting from inside the bunker, where Book was staying. He had checked, and Book wasn't there! So he came back five minutes later with a shovel in his hands to whack the murderer if he saw them, and then Book was on the floor, and she was torn into pieces!"

Tennis Ball pointed (with his leg, of course) to a cart that was outside that was filled with torn pieces of paper, and her cover with a lot of blood. Must be her remains.

Golf Ball groaned, stuffing her face in her pillow. "Another death.." She cried.

The others were sleeping already, and Golf Ball saw that they scared and cried themselves to sleep. Well, some of them, like Woody.

"It'll be okay.." TB frowned, sleeping next to Golf Ball.

Golf Ball, who was convinced, fell to sleep.

[DISCONTINUED] Murder Detectives (A BFDI[A] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now