Chapter 22

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Kian's P.O.V

I kept looking down feeling like an idiot for saying his name and nothing else. I felt like a complete idiot. I stood up from my bed walking from one end of my room to the other, pulling on my hair with my free hand from time to time making it really messy, but truly I didn't care. I heard a small chuckle coming out of my phone speaker.

"Yeah, who'd you think it was going to be? Your ex or the current girl your messing around with?" He spoke letting out a small chuckle afterwards.

I rolled my eyes and headed towards the door to leave my room, I looked down the hall and noticed no one was there, making sure Tal wouldn't hear me, I shut my door again as quiet as possible so nobody would come see me, "Yeah right, says the guy that cheated on his girlfriend with this other girl, if you lost feelings for someone just tell them, don't fake it and be playing around with their feelings while you're with another girl.." I said trying not to raise my voice too loud.

I heard talking from the other side of my door and I started to bite my nails, nervous habit I have. I heard knocking on my door and I stood up opening the door, the phone still on my ear.

"He- Who are you on the phone with? Wait that's none of my business.. Never mind," Talia said with a smile on her face.

"Tell her I said hi," Eric said on the phone obviously talking about Talia that was standing in front of me.

I looked back up at Talia obviously not wanting to repeat what he told me on the phone, Talia just pointed down the stairs and I decided to nod my head agreeing that I'd just go see her downstairs once I'm finished with the phone call. I shut my door once I noticed her going all the way down the stairs just to make sure. Talia was curious you never know what this girl could be doing to try to figure something out.

"You know what, why don't you tell her hi yourself? Right you can't because she doesn't want to talk to you, now just stop trying so hard and go with someone else because I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to waste her time with you," I spoke really quickly so I could just get over with this stupid phone call.

He let out a loud laugh and I just smiled at how stupid he was acting, "Right, it won't be that easy, Talia is a special girl I rea-"

I cut him off by hanging up the phone and I put my phone on silent taking off the vibrate from it, I swung my door open and was surprised to see that Talia wasn't actually spying on my phone call. I ran down the stairs and saw Talia sitting on the couch with a spot next to her free, I ran to it sitting beside her and swinging my arm so it was resting on the back of the couch behind Talia, she looked at me and smiled.

"So about that limo thing? Why didn't you go in it?" She finally asked once again.

"I-.." Everyone was staring at us so I just felt really awkward.. I didn't want to explain, I didn't want Tal to be mad at me, I grabbed her hand dragging her upstairs so we could be alone, she followed behind me like a child would, I shut my door and looked right at her putting both my hands on the side of her face, "Talia ok don't get mad I fucking regret this so much-" I started saying.

"You fucked a girl.." Talia said a smirking coming across her face, "GET IT KIAN!" She yelled fist pumping in the air.

"No! No!" I said quickly shaking my head laughing at her response to that, "I.. Well ok Eric was there.. And-"

"Eric?" She questioned a cute little puzzled look on her face, but that look washed away as soon as everything in her mind set together like a puzzle piece.

She figured it all out, she wasn't dumb, she had a bunch of logic but anyone that knew Eric the way Talia knows him would know he would sink this low to fuck things up with who ever is in Talia's life. She looked down at the ground and I could tell her eyes start to water and I desperately wanted to just take all her sadness since I just couldn't stand seeing her sad at all.

Forget about him, or everything? (O2L fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now