Chapter 12

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Talia's P.O.V 

The days went by and nothing really changed other then me being over excited about play list with the boys, I somehow got Marcus and Alfie's number and were telling them about play list, the boys made me a twitter and got me the twitter app on the phone they also got for me, I know very spoiled but all of them kept telling me that it was the best thing to do.

Play list was kind of stressing me to the point where I had to do something else to distract myself. Sometimes I would sneak a cigarette without them knowing or have a beer or two without them knowing also, I had a cooler in my room under my bed that the boys didn't know about so that's where I kept some of the drinks just in case. I'm pretty sure Jc was starting to figure out what I was doing though but I was hoping he wouldn't talk about it with me until after play list. 

Jc, Ricky and Kian we're gone to some sort of meeting regarding what would happen to the boys from O2L with some sort of problem they were having that I didn't really catch on to because they just rarely talk about work to me since they know it doesn't really interest me that much and I find myself zoning out and checking my phone when they talk about work. Connor was gone back home so I had the whole house to myself which felt strange. 

It was such a big house and I felt so small here all alone, nothing to do. I went on the wii for a little while and finished up some more packing for play list that was in 3 days which blew my mind! Well we were flying out in 3 days but the event itself didn't start till a day after when we get there. I walked into my room grabbing a cigarette and my lighter, I walked back outside in the backward where a mess was since Jc just filmed a collab with Kian before they left this afternoon. 

It was safe to say it was still really hot out, so I walking towards the edge of the pool dipping my feet in at the shallow end, I allowed the water to go up to my ankle not wanting to get my whole body wet since I wasn't even in my swim suit. I light up my cigarette taking a smoke of it and blowing it out. I loved watching the smoke just drift away by the wind. I don't know why I like it so much I just do. I find it so different. 

I felt like I was in my own world, I just tried to focus on the smoke or even just the water shifting in the pool making tiny waves from the breeze that would pass by from time to time. 

I didn't even hear someone walking in the backyard behind me, they took a seat beside me taking the cigarette from my mouth and throwing it on the ground stomping on it. 

"ARE YOU ACTUALLY SERIOUS?!" Kian's voice yelled right in my ear, I've never seen him so serious or angry before. 

"What.." I spoke, my voice coming out soft, I wasn't expecting it to come out so soft and low but it did and I felt like a child that was getting yelled at by their parents for looking into the cookie jar. I felt like I couldn't defend myself anymore. 

"You're fucking smoking a cigarette, are you fucking kidding me? We didn't make a deal for nothing, we invited you to play list because we saw all the effort you were putting with this deal, we gave you things because we were so proud of how well you were doing but ALL this time you were doing what we didn't want you to do behind our backs? Are you kidding me?" He yelled at me. 

"Ok, Kian get this straight, I haven't taken any drugs since that one time you caught me, I haven't.. When I.. When I was alone and when he broke up with me.. I was always getting high, this is me improving! Sure the deal was that I don't smoke, drink and what not-" 

"Wait you also drink?! What the hell Talia?!" 

"Ok sorry Kian, Jesus Christ just let me talk and explain! I used to drink, smoke, get high so often, like imagine, we met at a god damn bar, you're lucky I even do this in the house, I could go out to clubs, I am trying to recover, I am trying Kian! It just takes time and patience! If you can't deal with it just kick me out!" I yelled back at him being fed up with the way he's been treating me, like I was a child or even his kid. It was stupid. 

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