Chapter 10

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Talia's P.O.V

I was in bed, Kian has now posted his video we filmed together, it's been a couple hours that it's up and I scrolled down to check the feedback, the video is catching up to his most liked video which worries me since I don't really want to reveal which boy I'd want to date in O2L since truly I don't really know who I'd date. I scrolled down even more reading some of the comments,

Who is this girl, I WANT ANDREA!

I scrolled a little more reading more and more comments,

I like her, I like Kian, I like them together. PERFECT!

Date please.


Talia is so beautiful and she is like the girl version of Kian, I ship.



Ew isn't that the girl that lives with O2L? What's her problem?!

I love them together, are they dating?

Some of the comments were so sweet and some so rude, but I brushed off the rude comments. But did people actually think I was the girl version of Kian? My thinking came to a stop since my phone started ringing, I checked the time on my laptop before answering the phone, who would be calling me at 11:24 at night? I looked at the caller ID and it just displayed a phone number from L.A.

"Hello?" I said after sliding the accept button.

"Hi! Is this Talia?" I heard a all to familiar voice.

"Hi! Uh yeah, it is. How'd you get my number?"

"I have my ways, so you're aware of who it is?"

I nodded my head before noticing she can't see me, "Uh yeah, it's.. Andrea.. Right?"

"Yeah! You watch my videos?"

"Yeah sometimes.. So.. Not to be rude, but why are you calling me so late at night?"

"Well, just so you know, I'm not calling to be that typical ex girlfriend alright? I'm just here to tell you that, Kian is hurting, I know it, and he seems to really like you, I was curious and watched your video with him, you two really get along well already, and he seems to like you... A lot, I mean it"

I felt my heart beat faster and I just looked down, my fingers playing around with my duvet on my bed, I really didn't know what to say, I can't get with a boy like him. That's just too much for me. He deserves so so so much better.

"Hey Talia you there?" She asked.

"Uh yeah, I'm tired Andrea, so I think I'm going go sleep.." I lied, but I just didn't feel like having that conversation right now. I just didn't want to talk about how I feel about Kian or any of the boys, I barely know them, they barely know me.

"Oh alright, did you want to go shopping tomorrow? Just get your mind off things," She asked me.

"Uh yeah sure maybe, I don't know, I'll give you a text"

"Alright, bye"

I hung up the phone not wanting to talk any longer. I stood up from my bed and walked out of my bedroom walking around the house to see if anyone was up to the point that me bugging them wasn't a issue. I walked towards Kian's room but turned around not wanting to be with him right now. I just wanted to be with any of the other boys, maybe not alone but I just feel like all the other boys are asleep. They did do a lot today, well I think. I'm not really sure. Ricky usually wakes up early to do some work out in the morning so I know that he might be asleep or just watching Netflix. JC is asleep, I know that for a fact since I checked. My last hope was Connor. I walked towards his room but bad luck, he was curled up in his bed. Kian is the only one left but I just didn't want to be with him... But it was my last option.. I had to be with someone.. I didn't want to be alone.. I went to his bedroom door opening it up and there he was laying in his bed with his laptop on his lap.

Forget about him, or everything? (O2L fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now