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I was braiding my hair when I first head the Cullen's had left town, I was really worried about Bella. We had gotten close again and I knew she knew, but she was so in love with Edward i knew it would break her. I told Jacob I'd be looking after Bella for awhile and wouldn't be hanging out as much, but it seemed he had the same idea. For the first bit I think we mutually subconsciously agreed it would be better for Bella to have a girl around to help her through the early heartbreak. I had lots of sleepovers with her and knew she had nightmares every night, I sat with her at lunch at the Cullen's table and tried to get her to eat something, when I went out shopping I dragged her along to get her to snap back into normal. It was one night we were at a movie with Jessica when she left us to go motorcycling with some creep of a dude and I knew somehow it wasn't going to help. I warned Jacob early she might come by with some to fix and ride and that it would be good to spend time with her but don't let her ride, because she was trying to get her brain to see him through hallucination. It was months that they'd spent time together and I sort of stepped away to let them fix Bella and the bikes, but I would still hang with Jacob. I spent most of my time in the water and even met some friends that met at the cafe every Monday-Thursday, Friday's they had parties on land or work on weekends. One of my new friends even lived close to Forks, he and I met up a few times on land and I introduced him to mom, she was super happy I was making friends with others like me. Though I saw Bella getting better I saw Jacob getting worse, he was getting emotional and he never joked as much. After Bella was hurt riding motorcycles Jacob he started to cut both of us off. He cut me off at a movie, when he snapped at reed, my underwater buddy and started to get really angry. I knew he was transforming and I wanted to help
"Please I want to help you jacob"
He had ran out and we stood in an alleyway, it had started to rain
"No you don't understand and you never will, you can't help me."
"Yes I can jacob, you just have to let me"
I started towards him but he forcefully pushed his hands away.
"I can't do this"
"What do you mean you can't do this? I know you can we just have to work together"
"No! I can't do this I don't want to be around you anymore!"
I had paused and I couldn't tell if he regretted saying that to me.
"You don't mean that, it's just the transformation"
I was mumbling but he was almost at yelling level.
"No I do mean that, I have to break up with you"
He looked at me, and I didn't understand why he was being so harsh
"Jacob, don't say that. I know what's going on I can help"
I was speaking weakly but he could still hear me. He looked at me with sad eyes
"You don't know what's happening, you're so blind you'd never be able to figure it out"
I started crying, is that what he really thought?
"I could slap you right now. Of course I know what's happening, your becoming a werewolf. But whatever, you want to let me go fine!"
I had spoke quietly so nobody was around to hear and all I saw was his face in a big realization as I turned from him and ran away.

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