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I could hear him before I saw him, and I micro analyzed my sleeping position. I was curled into a ball and had my wolf blanket in between my arms, my hair was over my face and not tamed because I had taken a shower last night. I thought he'd try to wake me up by gently pushing me or something but he basically launched onto the bed, but made sure to land now where my body was p, which made me leap foreword until he caught me from almost going off the bed. He was laughing his ass off and I just glared through my hair. While I brushed my hair and got some lounge pants and a wolf tee on he was already done loading boxed into my room.
"You take forever to get ready"
I shrugged and put the first box on my bed.
"It's a girl thing"
And he helped unload everything. Mom had noticed most of my stuff was nature and wolf related so she had quickly and quietly gone to the store and started buying mermaid and ocean items, which she snuck into my room, but I noticed. I got help putting my posters up as I was small and noticed they almost didn't match my room, so,e were bands that I liked and others were inspirational. I gave Jacob the task of putting my forest wall stickers on my closet doors while I found some wave and wheel stickers in a box close to the door, I put those on the ceiling.
"You have so much wolf things, is that your favorite animal now?"
I remember when I was younger my favorite animal was anything small and helpless but the wolf had been majestic and headed to me by dad.
"Yeah you could say that"
And I smiled to myself. Unknowing to me, he smiled too but for other reasons. My room looked really good when I was done with it late at night, jacob had to go before dinner and said he had things to do tomorrow so that's the days I'd be exploring.

Jacobs imprint (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now