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Once I saw Edward leave Melissa I was going to run up to her and comfort her but she had pulled out her phone and started walking away from the school. I assumed she would go back home to sulk so I waited in her room, climbing through the window obviously. When an hour passed I got worried and went back out to look for her. When she wasn't by the water I started through the woods, eventually finding what I assumed were her shoes. I knew I was in the right direction when I saw a footprint in the dirt. When I saw her she was sitting and looking at something, when I noticed it was a broken bottle I ran to her and took it out of her hands.
"Oh! Jacob, you're here! You're always here"
I could tell she was drunk and looked at the bottle. I could tell it had been full when she got it.
"Common, lets go get up"
Helping her up I just felt so bad for her, I told her I wouldn't let another guy hurt here and here we were. She got drunk.
"Did you know that Edward-stupid-face wouldn't even talk to me about it? He just broke up with me."
She expressed her frustration by almost hitting me with her hand.
"Oops haha"
"Liss, why didn't you just come to me instead of drinking?"
I knew she could hold a conversation I just didn't know if she would remember any of this
"Cuz you always help me."
She got quieter
"You know, sometimes you look at me like I'm the only thing that matters, I like that."
I looked at her
"I like being the person someone cares about most"
We finally made it to my house and I laid her down in my bed.
"I wish you weren't gay"
"What makes you think I'm gay?"
I figured she was being ridiculous in her state and she practically folded in half to put her head on my leg
"Because you're not interested in me, and you would've told me if I made you Uncomfy"
"What makes you think I'm not interested in you?"
She let out a little huff
"Cuz I make passes at you all the time and the way you act is a bit intrusive so I figured if I was t making you Uncomfy with the way we acted and you hadn't told me off then you were gay"
She had stumbled over the word intrusive but I got what she meant
"But what if I told you I did find an interest in you"
"I'd say this is a great dream"
She thought this was a dream? I didn't get to say anything else before she passed out

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