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I had on my bathing suit, and a sundress overtop. Today I was exploring the water area and swimming. When I got out of the water I took my long ginger hair and braided it into a single side braid while it was still wet and would look decent. I laid out in the sun while it was here, the sun seemed to only ever be in this section of the area which is right by or in the water, and I got tan. I knew that at least I would have this spot to keep myself tan when I had to spend days in under the clouds and in raid, I'm sure lots of people here are really pale. I was laying on my stomach and had my eyes closed as I let the sun soak in when water splashed all over me an I jumped into a ball on the ground.
He was laughing even harder than yesterday, and I couldn't help but smile at it.
"Your mom said you'd be down here so I thought I'd come say hello"
"I thought you had something to do today"
We were circling each other, we could always play fight and I know he'd go easy on me but he would still win. He's always been stronger than me.
"I finished early"
And with a smirk he launched, but he never made the first move so I was a bit unprepared, side stepping made it easy for him to round on me and take me to the ground. With him holding my arms down, lightly, and straddling me so I couldn't get up he lifted his hand and took out my hair. I gasped, it just got dry and would now be all over the place and hard to get back down.
"I just did that. Rude"
He just laughed and got off me, helping me up.
"You should just keep it down, it looks better that way"
I just took a hair band and pushed it on my face so it kept my hair out of my eyes.
"What am I going to d o when I can't see you every day"
He frowned
"What do you mean?"
"I mean school? It's coming up in a few weeks right?"
He mumbled an 'oh yeah' and thought for a bit while I collected my things after putting my dress back on
"Maybe we could work out a schedule"
"Okay sure, but I'll have no idea what mine will be like, or if there are sports offered here"
He nodded.
"But You should come school shopping with me next Wednesday and Thursday"
He nodded again and walked in a daze.
"Oh, did you hear Bella was coming back?"
He finally looked at me
"Oh is she? That's fun, then I'll know somebody else"
"Yeah but Charlie says it'll be during the school year so you'll still have to find friends."
"Hey! I have friends thank you."
"You have me"
"That's all I need"
"You can't have just one friend"
"Ugh fine"

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