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My birthday rolled around quickly I had been woken up with my mom giving me a blue jello cake to take for lunch, and made waffles for breakfast. I told her Edward wanted me for dinner and she said Jacob had requested me all day tomorrow. I smiled. I had on a pale fairy pink fluff jacket and white skinny jeans with black boots on. I had been keeping my hair down but today I put it up again so it didn't frizz with my fluff jacket. Edward picked me up again and kissed me good morning. We had out first kiss the evening of Monday and Rosalie seemed to hate how close we were getting. Sitting at their table I was eating my jello cake and Alice started looking at me weirdly, then Edward took my hand and led us out of the cafeteria.
"Hey, what's up?"
He just pulled me into a hug and I shrugged it off, I knew he liked my hair down where he could bury his face but today it seemed he took a liking to this hairstyle. I wasn't sure why. After school Edward drove us to his house and I saw a big party planned for me.
"Happy birthday"
Alice jumped and handed me a present. I opened it and it was a new dress, blood red, and I could tell it was a bit sultry. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she smiled and shrugged it off. Presents went well, Rosalie (aka also Alice) got me a necklace, Jasper got me a photo book and camera, Emmet got me some Bluetooth speaker, Carlisle and Esme got me a diner gift card, and when Edward pulled me aside he gave me a ring which looked very expensive. I smiled at him and hugged him. He fidgeted a bit and started to look nervous.
"Edward, What's going on?"
"I have to tell you something, something about me, about my family."
I nodded for him to go on
"We are t like everybody else... we can run fast and never get tired, we are strong, see things at amazing quality, hear things at far distances."
I knew I wasn't going to get it unless he told me outright, I don't do well with puzzles. At that moment he sighed.
"I can read minds"
Oh. Was that all? That's not that weird.
"No that's not all"
I looked up at him with curiosity
"Were vampires"
"But! We don't eat people, we only drink the blood of animals"
"Oh thank god."
He suddenly looked very puzzled
"You aren't afraid?"
"You just said you don't eat people, why else would I be afraid?"
He looked crazy for a bit and smiled, kissing my forehead. He led me back out to the room and Rosalie burst, going on about how dangerous it was that I knew now and that I should just not be around this family
"I get it Rosalie, but I make my own decisions"
She was taken back that I snapped at her angry outburst and Alice jumped with joy
"I like her"
Edward just laughed and Rosalie stormed off to the balcony, which I followed her.
"Why do you hate me so much"
"Why don't you just leave, go be happy with a different guy, someone who can give you a future!"
She practically yelled.
"What do you mean"
"If you and Edward were to stay together, you'd eventually become a vampire. Doomed to live forever."
"Other than watching your loved ones die, I don't see how that could be a bad thing"
"Okay Melissa, let me ask you something. Do you want to have kids someday?"
I went blank, I didn't know how this tied to anything, she took my silence as an answer.
"Because if you choose this life, you can't have that. No matter how much you want it or try, Edward would not be able to give you a child"
I stood silent, making sure not to think, because I knew Edward would be listening. I just left. As I left the house I heard yelling, yelling at Rosalie and yelling back. It was like my parents relationship. By the time I got to Jacobs house it was raining and I had abandoned my jacket at home, leaving myself in a black tank top. And I was crying hysterically. I found Jacob in his garage and as soon as I opened the door he heard me and I could see he was worried.
"What happened?"
"I-I don't want to"
I was crying too much to get functional words out so he just hugged me and pet my hair down. Somehow we made it to the ground and I was in his lap, gently crying now and I had one hand gripped on jacob's wrist. His other arm was on my back rubbing soothing circles which made me calm down more. I leaned my head into him and he asked what went wrong
"I never told you about one of the things I want in life the most."
He stayed silent so I could talk and I knew he was listening
"I want to be a mother someday, I was to be a good mom and I want to have my own kids who run around and grow up and have their own kids, and as my future husband and I sit and die I can watch something I made live on and make the world better."
I knew he had tensed a bit listening to me but he still let me talk, and I moved out from leaning on his chest but I stayed in this lap.
"I can't stay with Edward."
Almost a whisper but I knew he heard because he finally spoke.
"Who not?"
"Rosalie told me that the way they live their life would never allow me to have kids, and that she regrets it everyday because that's all she wants. And that's what I will want to, Edward can't give me that."
I had let some tears slip again and I managed to avoid spilling their secret that they were vampires. Jacob just held me for a bit longer and helped figure out how I would break up with him.

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