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Knowing I was moving from a scenery of wolves to fish made me a bit unhappy, I know my mom has a bit more money than my dad and after their divorce they agreed on me having a better future in Forks. I wasn't sure if it was still the way I remembered but I know my mom and she would be living by the water. She will have a blue or cream colored house with a bunch of sea sailor decoration, while my father had the forest in the form of tree and flower stickers and incense. I loved both really but I'd been living a long time surrounded by forest and I wasn't ready to wake up to the smell of water and no dad. Their divorce had been ugly, but not enough to involve me by punishment to get to the other or directly. They'd gone through court to split their things at the old house, the one dad kept in Minnesota. 1,540 approximate miles was what I was about to travel to get to mom. I had already sent all my things in a truck so that it might be at the house when I arrive but I was packing some essentials I'd been living off of with me. I was sad to move away from my dad, I know things had been hard on him when mom figured how to get more money out of the deal than him, which got her me. The only bonus was that they'd chosen a prime time to divorce, and now I would be moving into a new school with time to meet some kids around before school started for my junior year. I was also hoping that some of my old friends would be there. Mom had always thought Forks was the best place to live and she had gotten a vacation home there when I was young, so I'd go to Forks with her every few summers and play with a couple of kids until I turned 13 years old and mom and dad started fighting. She had gotten rid of the vacation home in order to get more money but she had then bought enough this new home that I'd never seen before but knew her well enough to want to be attached to the water. Dad saw me off onto the plane and I uncomfortably fell asleep, preparing to go back two hours on my time schedule.

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