Coronation and Goodbyes

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Peter never felt any better and it seemed the pain from his whole body dissipated when he hugged his siblings close to him, afraid that they might disappear. Susan looked around to find that there was no sign of Edmund "Where is Edmund?" She asked Peter who gave her a sorrowful look.

Dread filled her as Peter took the girls to where Edmund lay. Leandre let out a worried whine before Aslan walked up to her "Is your memory clear?" Leandre shook her head "My past is still fuzzy as ever but they are slowly coming back. One step at a time" She nuzzled his mane upon which he rumbled in content.


"Edmund!" Susan screamed before notching a string into her bow and aimed it at the limping dwarf with an axe ready to finish Edmund off.

Please don't miss.

Susan was not professional in archery but as soon as she fired, her prayers were answered as the arrow hit dead center on the dwarf's chest as the creature let out an agonized scream before slowly dying.

The siblings crowded around their fallen brother and Lucy fumbled with her cordial to open and silently hated herself for being so shaken up in seeing Edmund so vulnerable and less guarded than before. Edmund heard them and wanted to shout out to them that it's okay. It was his fault that the witch somehow got the information she needed

He deserved this.

Until something warm and sweet poured down on his mouth and he instinctively swallowed it down. The siblings watched as Edmund slowly regained consciousness and he blinked from the blinding light before his vision cleared and saw his siblings with smiles on theri faces and a lioness in front of his face.


Edmund blinked before sitting up, the lioness moved for him to sit "When are you going to do as your told?" Peter asked with tears threatening to fall on his eyes.

Edmund chuckled before his gaze fell on the lioness in front of him "Glad that you are back Edmund. A little worse for wear" His eyes went wide once he heard the sound of Leandre coming out from the lioness.

"L-Leandre? What's going? And why are-"

"When you are back on your full strength, I'll tell you. It's a long story and for now you need your rest"

Her ears perked up when she heard the soft footsteps of her mate and she turned to see Aslan walking up to them and blowing out a breath on a frozen Narnian and they watched as the Narnian was brought back to life.

Lucy grabber her cordial and looked at Aslan before she smiled started to go back and forth, tending to Narnians with severe injuries while Aslan dealt with those who were frozen from the witch's staff.

"What happens now?"

Susan asked and Leandre walked towards them "Now is the time to celebrate. The rule of the White Witch is over and spring is coming to life. Cair Paravel is waiting for the four of you as well" Peter chuckled.

"You sound like a queen Lea"

Leandre let out an unlady like snort before she answered "Peter, I am as much as you are, a queen with a kingdom to rule and a husband right beside me" Her gaze went to Aslan and Peter along with Edmund and no words to comment.


Mermaids laughed and danced in the sea near Cair Paravel with the seagulls squawking. Today was filled with joy for it was the day Narnia was having Kings and Queens who will guard over their world under Aslan.

In the throne room of Cair Paravel, decorations of different kinds of flowers only to be seen in Narnia were spread out in various formations.

The whole castle was made out of marble and then emerged the Pevensies as the sound of trumpets announced their presence.

The Pevensies stood side by side with Aslan and Leandre as they made their way to their respective thrones. Aslan and Leandre turned to address the crowd well it was mostly Aslan who was speaking.

"To the Glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant"

Lucy smiles when she saw the beavers and Mr. Tumnus bringing forth their crowns. As Mr. Tumnus placed her crown, he sent her a proud and grateful look which she reciprocated.

"To the Great Western Wood, King Edmund the Just"

Leandre flashed Edmund a smile a proud lioness could only give which Edmund gave a grin at her direction "To the Radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan the Gentle" Susan gave Mr. Tumnus a small lady-like smile as he placed her crown delicately on her head.

"And to the clear Northern Skies, King Peter the Magnificent"

Leandre never looked at Peter like a king but now she could see the proud look and regal standing he posses and the kindness hidden within those eyes. He was going to be a great leader. Aslan turned to them and spoke.

"Once a king and queen of Narnia, always a king and queen of Narnia. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens" Everyone began to cheer for their newly elected kings and queens of Narnia "Long live King Peter! Long live Queen Susan! Long live King Edmund! And long live Queen Lucy!" The Beavers clapped as they shouted Lucy's name the loudest which Lucy laughed at.


The celebration was in full swing and Leandre never attended to many guests in one night as the Queen of The Wood and Aslan's mate but she was getting it there.

She made her way to the balcony to watch the sun slowly starting to set and her gaze drifted down to Aslan who was outside of the castle and heading down to the sandy beach. She quickly followed him down and t wasn't long before she caught up with him.

"May I suggest a company stroll your majesty?"

She asked jokingly and heard Aslan laugh. Together they walked along the shore as the waves slowly caressed their paws. Silence reigned down on them before she spoke softly while staring into the horizon.

"So...long will you be away this time?"

Aslan stood beside her and didn't answer. How could he for she knew the answer all along she just didn't want to admit it out loud "Sometimes...I remember waiting out here and feeling you without ever seeing you. I wonder how other must have burden themselves into waiting for their someone to return to them" Aslan nuzzled her neck in comfort.

"I am with you always Leandre...Even if I am not here"

She smiled as she closed her eyes and let the wind ruffle her fur and for a moment, she felt his presence beside her but when she opened her eyes, he was gone and the only proof that he was there at all was the footprints he left and the scent of his essence surrounding her.

I know you are Aslan.

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