A Visit From The Witch

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Alsan stood tall and regal like any king should be as he stared down at the White Witch. It has been too long since he had banished her and the hatred in her eyes still burns deep.

"You have a traitor in your midst Aslan"

Jadis stated and Edmund lowered his eyes in shame as all eyes turned to him.

"His offence was not against you"

Jadis gave him a wide eyed look "Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" Was she mocking him? He let out a small growl through his mouth as he answered back.

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me witch. I was there when it was written"

A grin full of evil spread through her face and the children tensed up "Then you will know that every traitor belongs to me" Edmund felt his breath quicken.

Leandre held back herself from going over to the white witch and give her a piece of her mind. Edmund wasn't a toy or a possession to be held captive forever.

"His blood is my property"

Jadis stated and it was there Edmund unsheathed his sword and pointed it to the White Witch.

"Try and take him then"

Peter said as he stepped in front of his brother. All at once the white witch's creatures unsheathed their own weapons which prompted those on Aslan's side to follow and protect their future king.

"You think a simple force will deny me of my right, little king" The queen taunted and Peter had half a mind to slit her throat though he held himself back. He was not known to hurt people, especially women not unless they strike first.

Jadis then turned to address the crowd as if she were their ruler "Aslan knows that if I do not have blood as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned, and perish, in fire and water" There were gasps of shock and some protests.

"That boy will die! On the stone table! As is tradition"

Jadis announced as she pointed a pale finger on Edmund who took a step back. His siblings became distraught as they looked at each other for help.

"You dare not refuse me"

Jadis said as she stood in front of Aslan with narrowed eyes as she challenged him to dare try and stop her.

"You leave Edmund alone!"

A voice from the crowd made Jadis turn and saw Leandre pushing past the animals to get to Edmund. Her eyes were ablaze as she stared dead at Jadis who held back a surprised look on her face.

"Now this is a turn of events..."

Aslan held back a roar that was threatening to come out as a smile that was less than innocent made its way to her face.


He called out and everyone stopped. Leandre turned her gaze to Aslan with a pleading look on her face.

"I shall talk with you alone"

Aslan said before he turned and headed inside his tent. Leandre locked eyes with Jadis once more before she haughtily followed Aslan.


"I'm surprised you haven't told her yet"

Jadis said to Aslan as he sat down while she remain standing "You know...she could-" low and warning growls could be heard and Jadis grinned.

"Oh don't worry Aslan, she died once and she returned. She might do the same again"

Aslan narrowed his eyes at Jadis.

"I won't risk her, not her life"


Leandre stared a few seconds in the tent before she went back to pacing then looking at the tent again before repeating the same process. The others were sitting and doing nothing but staring at the enemy warily.

All of a sudden everyone stood up and the children followed suit as Jadis came out of the tent. Her gaze went to Edmund who flinched before she walked her way back to her awaiting ride.

Aslan came out not long after she moved. All eyes turned to him, waiting for any news "She has denounced her claim on The Son of Adam's blood" Cheers roared out through the crowd and Edmund sighed with relief.

"How will I know your promise will be kept?"

The White Witch asked a sudden question which made the children look at her in question. Aslan roared which made Jadis quickly sit back in her chair.

The Narnians began to jeer and taunt at her as Jadis and her small army quickly walked away from the scene with Jadis' head held high and a smug look was threatening to bore through her face.

It didn't miss Leandre's wandering gaze as she watched the entourage leave before gazing at the forlorn look on Aslan's face.

He gave a glance at her before he let out a smile that didn't reach his eyes before he headed back to his tent.

"He looks so sad"

Lucy commented from beside her. The little girl had her face drawn up with worry and Leandre placed a comforting hand on her back.

"Don't worry about it Lucy. He might just be worried on the upcoming war"

Try as she might, Leandre couldn't stop the feeling of uneasiness as she stared at Aslan's tent.


Leandre woke up after a few hours of sleep and nearly groaned when she realized that it was probably around midnight.

Maybe a breathe of fresh air will help.

Leandre quietly flung off her sheets as  she tip toed outside the tent and almost let out a yelp at how cold it is.

Soft footsteps from behind her made Leandre tense up and quickly find a place to hide. The soft padding of footsteps went pass her and she risked a peek to see Aslan's silhouette disappear from the trees.


Lucy blinked from her sleep haze as she turned to face the other way to get some sleep but no avail.

Her eyes widen when she saw the shadow of a lion walk pass by the tent and her heart thudded from her ribcage as she quietly yet hastily woke Susan up.


Susan grunted and blinked from her sleep haze before her eyes went wide as she saw the empty cot where Leandre was suppose to be sleeping before she heard Lucy who was looking at the silhouette of the lion.

The two girls flung out of bed and hurried off to follow Aslan.

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