Crash and Play

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Leandre lay beneath a tree as Lucy lay beside her to tell all the things she knew of Narnia. Susan was with them while the boys were playing baseball.

"Peter winds up, goes for the bowl!"

Peter threw the ball and it hit directly into Edmund's leg "Ow!" Edmund screamed as he glared down at Peter. Peter laughed at him with a playful look on his face.

"Whoops! Wake up, Dolly Daydream!"

Leandre frowned as she stared at Edmund. He had been acting weird ever since the incident with Lucy and he was one to observe hus surroundings.

"Can't we play hide and go seek again?"

Edmund asked and Peter raised a brow "I thought you said that it was a kid's game" Peter asked out, failing to realize how odd it was for Edmund to be even asking something...out of character for him.

"Besides we can all use some fresh air"

"Not to mention how it does wonders to your body"

Leandre added helpfully "Not like there's air inside and since when does staying indoors not helpful to the body" Edmund said sarcastically.

"Are you ready then?"

Peter asked impatiently. Edmund gave him a challenging look as he smacked the bat down and prepares himself.

"Are you?"

Peter pitches the ball hard and Edmund whacks it good to the point that it smashed through an upstairs window and crashes into a suit of armor.

All eyes went to the broken window and Leandre could feel the once relax atmosphere drop and sighed as she followed after her panicked cousins.

So much for relaxation.


All eyes stared unto the broken figure of the suit of armor before their gaze rested on the broken window.

"Well done Ed!"

"You bowled it!"

Leandre stepped in between the two of them and placed her hands on each of their shoulder.

"Alright enough! None of this is both your faults so stop blaming each other"

"What on Earth is going on up there?"

Everyone froze once they heard that stern voice "The Mcready!" Susan gasped before Peter shouted.

"Come on!"

Leandre blinked when she realized they were running away from Mrs. Mcready. Up and down the hallways the children ran around as they searched for a place to hide before Lucy let them to the wardrobe.

Everyone stopped in their tracks as Edmund hastily opened the door "Come on!" He screamed as he gestured inside the wardrobe.

"You've got to be joking..."

Susan muttered lowly before the sound of hurried footsteps echoed behind them.

Lucy pulled Leandre inside just as Susan and Peter were the last ones to get in.

"Get Back!"


"I'm not on your toe!"

"Will You Stop Shoving!"

"Stop Shouting!"


Susan and Peter landed on their backs and shivered when they felt the cold air seep in. Hold on, cold? And was that a branch?

Susan and Peter abruptly turned around and saw before their own eyes Lucy's world called Narnia.


Susan gasped breathlessly "Don't worry. I'm sure it's just your imagination" Lucy said with a grin. Finally, they will believe and she won't have to spend another night crying.

"I don't suppose, saying we're sorry would quite cover it"

"No, it wouldn't"

Lucy said solemnly when Leandre noticed her hiding something behind her back. Before Peter could react, Lucy threw a snowball directly at his face.

"But that might!"

Lucy laughed before she felt something cold hit her side and she squealed in surprise "Snowball Fight!" Leandre screamed as Susan and Peter joined in the fray.

Edmund looked at them before he stared off into the two snowy mountains. Susan saw her brother oblivious to everything and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Ow! Stop it!"

Edmund shouted with narrowed eyes. Peter turned to Edmund and all the playfulness disappeared in his eyes "You little liar!" Peter whispered harshly.

"You didn't believe her either!"

"Ed, that still is not an excuse to to lie to them"

Leandre added "Apologize to Lucy" Peter said, gesturing to Lucy who frowned for a moment and making Edmund hesitate.

"Say you're sorry!"

"Alright! I'm sorry!"

Edmund said, back away from Peter as he took a step forward "That's alright, some little children just don't know when to stop pretending" Lucy said smugly.

"Very funny..." Edmund muttered "Alright then, since we are in new territory I say we explore this place" Leandre said as she looked at the frost covered trees.

"Maybe we should go back"

"Can't we at lease take a look around?"

Edmund asked, mainly gesturing to the two mountains up ahead "I think Lucy should decide" Peter said as he turned to Lucy who held a big grin on her face.

"I all want you to meet Mr. Tumnus!"

Lucy said excitedly "Well Mr. Tumnus it is" Peter said as he walked back inside the closet. Susan blinked before looking ahead "We can't go hiking in the snow dressed like this" Peter came out with an arm full of coats.

"We can use these coats"

Peter said "Peter they don't belong to us" Susan argued before a grey coat was placed in her hands "Well I don't think the professor will mind. And if you think about it logically we are not even taking them out of the wardrobe" Peter handed the last grey coat to Edmund.

"But that's a girl's coat!" Edmund sputtered "I know..." Peter saidwith narrowed eyes "I'll go look for something your size Lea" Peter said as he disappeared back into the closet.

He came back with a yellow colored coat "Well, this is the only smallest thing I found" Leandre smiled as she wore it over her.

"I think it fits snugly"

"Can we all go now?" Edmund asked impatiently and Peter sighed in annoyance before looking at Lucy.

"Well Lucy, lead the way"

With a laugh, Lucy happily led them to the lamppost where she met Mr. Tumnus. They all were unaware of the fateful turn of events when they arrived at his house.

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