Practice Makes Perfect

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Edmund never felt at peace until he was dining full blown breakfast with his siblings outside instead of scraps of food from the white witch.

"Narnia isn't going to run out of toast Edmund"

Lucy stated which Edmund can't help but smile but still eat lightly knowing too much consumption of food could leave him with a painful stomachache after eating little for too long.

"Then you better pack some for the journey"

Peter said and Leandre noted the serious look on his face and she could only guess what he was thinking given the current situation they are in.

"So we're going home?" Susan questioned. They have come this far to meet Aslan and now they were just going to leave?

"You are, I promised mum I'd keep you three safe but there's no reason I can't stay and help"

"Peter, this is the safest place we could go to. No doubt the white witch is looking for us now and her scouts are almost everywhere. We barely survived on they way"

"And they need us" Lucy said as she backed Leandre up "All four of us" She finished.

"Lucy it's too dangerous. You almost drowned, Edmund was almost killed!"

"What about the rest of us? We almost got frostbite from the cold and chased across the land by the white witch"

Leandre stated, a little bit hurt that he forgot the perils they have faced together as a family instead of those singled out "Which is why we have to stay" Edmund spoke softly and all eyes turned to him as he began to speak.

"I've seen what the White Witch can do and I've helped her do it"

Leandre placed a comforting hand on Edmund's shoulder which he held on for support "And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it" Susan sighed as she stood up after Edmund finished his small speech.

"Well I guess that's it then"

Peter blinked when he saw her grab her bow and quiver "Where are you going?" She gave him a mischievous smile as she answered.

"To get in some practice"


Susan and Lucy found the training area after a few questions on which direction should they go.

Susan pulled the string of the bow back as she aligned her arrow to the target before letting it lose. She raised a brow up when it didn't hit dead center.

It wasn't until she almost let out a startled when she caught something metal glimmering under the sun soar and hit dead center.

She and Lucy gave each other looks before they heard horses braying.

Peter and Edmund came racing in with swords high, just like in the movies they use to watch when they were still young and naive to the world around them.

"Come on Ed, sword hand up like Oreius showed us"

Peter called out as he made his horse turn around a huge boulder "En Garde!" Edmund screamed as he attacked Peter who blocked it.

Susan and Lucy watched the two brothers fight and it was then that they realize that for the first time since they escaped the war, they were finally bonding.

Well training and bonding for a war heading in their way.

The two brother were cut short of their sparring when Mr. Beaver came running in which startled the horse Edmund was riding.

"Woah horsey!"

Edmund called out and the horse gave him an indignant look "My name is Philip" the horse said in an offended tone.

"Oh, sorry"

Edmund said as he quickly reminded himself that this is a place where animals could talk and have names of their own.

"You better come quick the White Witch has requested a meeting with Aslan"

Susan and Lucy now stopped their practicing and turned to stare at Mr. Beaver as if confirming on what he was saying is true before they quickly made their way back.


Leandre watched the blacksmith sharpen a random sword before she cleared her throat to make her presence known.

Immediately the blacksmith looked up and slightly bowed before looking at her "Is there anything you need my lady?" Leandre gave a quick nod.

"I need to ask a favor from you to make a sword for Edmund"

The blacksmith raised a brow at this, he had heard of what the boy had done from his siblings and was a bit reluctant to make a sword that would be fit a king to a traitor.

However, he saw the the concern and worry the young lady held in her eyes and he relented "Alright my lady, it shall be ready before battle" Leandre gave him a grateful smile before she headed out.

On the way, she heard the warning sound of horns and the sound of someone yelling.

"Jadis! The Queen of Narnia!"

Leandre's eyes widen before she hastily made her way straight to Aslan's tent.

Did White Witch come for Edmund?

Leandre didn't want to answer that question before she saw the White Witch with pale skin in a white dress sitting in a black chair with her emblem on it and it was being carried by Cyclops.

Her gaze snapped to the woman whose gaze went to the lion in the center of the circle of animals.

Hatred pooled in those eyes and she found herself bristling with her fur standing on end and it made the animals around her wary and uneasy.

The lion banished the woman but she left with a promise to return.

Leandre snapped out of her daze when the White Queen's entourage stopped in front of Aslan.

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