A Brother's Return

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Leandre quite loved to take short swims and baths in spring because she found it quite soothing and more natural for her body to be well-adjusted to the climate.

However, she was unprepared for the attack just as she was finished putting on her new clothes. Leandre winced as she ran clutching her bloody arm as she made her way back to camp.

I have to remind myself that swimming with no supervision in an uncharted forest is strictly prohibited. 

She almost had a heart attack when she heard Susan and Lucy's screams just up ahead before she heard a horn go off.

Something heavy landed on her and she fell with a sharp gasp before twisting to see a wolf giving her a grin that sent chills all over her spine.

"Release me!"

Leandre grunted as she tried in vain to twist herself free but to no avail. She briefly wondered if this animal had too much meat digested to be this heavy.

"I'd rather take your head to the queen as proof you are dead once and for all"

That statement made Leandre pause and gave the wolf enough time for his fangs to come down to her throat for a final bite.



She cannot breathe!

That voice sent Leandre almost to tears before she heard a roar and felt lightness from the weight on top of her. Colours flashed before her as she stayed completely still.


A baritone voice spoke above her, filled with concern and worry and Leandre so much wanted the owner to stop their worries and say that she was alright.

But that would be lying.

The last thing she felt was someone licking her throat and arm and it enveloped her into a warm caress before darkness settled in her body.


The three Pevensies were beyond with worry as they paced back and forth in the healer's tent where Leandre was staying in. It was a miracle that Aslan was there to save her before the wolf finished her off.

Susan wanted to slap herself at the guilt that was weighing in on her. She should have taken the bow and arrow and try to fend two wolves that were the size of those big dogs in her neighbor's house and find Leandre.

Instead her mind was in a panic and grabbed the horn instead.

Today had been a stressful day and the sun was setting. They need rest after this event.

"Who will look after Lea?"

Lucy asked and Susan opted to volunteer but she knew that medical fields were not in her expertise.

"Don't worry little one. I will look after your cousin"

Lucy gave Aslan a kind smile filled with relief. She saw Aslan as a protector and a bit of a father figure. If he says Leandre is safe in his watch, she believes him.

Susan and Peter looked at each other before giving Aslan a grateful look before they all retreated back to their tents.


His tent was not all filled with jewels and diamonds fit for a king but it was a simple stylish setting where he could be comfortable in sleeping and moving about.

She had changed. That much he could tell but the same fire in her spirit never waned and it brought him hope if she could ever remember him.

He held back for a moment. The war wasn't over yet and he most likely would want her to never be part of it but given into her nature, she was bound to disobey him in any way possible.

She was as wild as he was.

He settled down beside her as she instinctively curled towards him and he smiled when she mumbled something unintelligible before settling herself into him.

Yes, she has changed since her return. But she was still the same in his eyes.


Leandre wanted to bury herself into this warmth and never wake up. Sadly, the pain in her arm made her blink as she adjusted her eyes in the dim light of the room.

She groaned as she tried shifting her body to a more comfortable position only for something to move around her.

Not something, someone.

Leandre opened her mouth to speak when she felt her whole body shake when a rumble came out of nowhere.

"Sleep little one"

A deep rumble spoke and Leandre immediately fell asleep but not before hearing calls from outside.


He had heard of the men approaching and was hesitant on leaving her alone, open and vulnerable.

The last part made him chuckle for a moment, vulnerable was the complete opposite of what she is.


Oreius slowly opened a small portion of the tent as he called out "Sire, the boy has been retrieved however his condition is less than stable" Aslan let out a "Hmmm..." in reply.

"Make sure he is comfortable enough to sleep for the night, I will talk to him in the morning"

Oreius bowed before he moved away. Aslan settled himself back down beside the sleeping girl and fell asleep instantly.


Peter felt refreshed in the morning and he couldn't wait to stretch his legs. Heat poured into him and he was suddenly aware of how late it was because the sun had already risen.

He parted the flaps of the tents only to freeze in place when he saw his little brother and Aslan talking. He assessed his brother's condition and noticed how thin he was and his lip was a bit busted.


The excited voice of Lucy brought Peter out of his thoughts and he held out his hand to stop Lucy from running towards Edmund.

Lucy's voice brought the attention of Alsan and Edmund and the boy looked as if he was ready to bolt. He wasn't ready to face his family yet. Aslan gave him a reassuring look which prompted the boy to head down to meet his family.

Silence reigned in for a few minutes before Aslan spoke "What's done is done. There's no need to speak to Edmund about what's past" He moved away to give the four siblings some time alone.

Edmund looked at his family as he quietly mumbled out a "Hello". Lucy rushed to him and gave him a hug as Susan touched his face.

"How are you feeling?"

"A little tired"

Edmund answered "Get some rest" Peter said blankly and Edmund awkwardly walked pass Peter "And Edmund!" Peter called as Edmund turned in time to see Peter smile.

"Try not to wander off again"

Edmund smiled. He wouldn't be wandering off for awhile, not without his family right beside him.


Aslan stopped in his tracks when he saw Leandre giving him a warm smile "I saw what happened and I thank you sire" Leandre said.

"Call me by my name dear Leandre"

Leandre raised a brow before nodding and boldly stepped closer to Aslan before planting a kiss on his forehead before walking off to greet Edmund.

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