The Final Stand

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"Ed! There are too many of them! Go! Get out of here! Get the girls, and get them home!"

That was the first thing Edmund heard as he engaged in battle with his brother in an attempt to lessen the Witch's army.

Edmund stared at his brother as if he had gone mad. Mr. Beaver pulled him back "Come on, you heard him!" Edmund quickly scrambled to a much safer distance until he caught sight of the Queen.

The reason why they were into this mess.

The reason why Narnia was suffering.

The reason why his family is suffering.

A ruler unjust as her, should not walk in the lands of Narnia. Mr. Beaver turned to see Edmund walking back to battle and straight to the queen.

"Peter said to go!"

Mr. Beaver screamed in a pleading tone. He knew the moment Edmund would come back to battle, he would engage the queen.

"Peter's not king yet!"

Edmund said stubbornly as continued his pace and Mr. Beaver could only watched helplessly when he was being blocked by one of the Witch's guards.


Everything seem to be a blur to Peter as the battle raged on and he felt his strength waning. He would not allow himself to die here not without seeing his family-

The sight of Edmund in battle with the witch made him hesitate which gave the enemy enough time to attack Peter.

He hissed as colors flashed before his vision righted and continued in heading towards hus brother, killing anyone in his path.

He needed to get to him.

He needed to-


A silent scream of his name tore out of Peter's mouth as he watched the sword plunge into Edmund's stomach.

Edmund fell into a world of pain he never felt before as he gasped and fell down. He watched as the queen turned her gaze to Peter who was already running at full speed towards her with rage he never saw in the eyes of his brother.

I leave the rest to you. I'm sorry.

Those were the last thoughts of Edmund before he blacked out.


Jadis was one step to reach her goal. With the great cat and his mate dead and one Son of Adam out of the way, she only had to kill this one and track down the Daughters of Eve.

Then eternal winter will smite over Narnia as she will rule this new land.


Susan and Lucy slid off Aslan's back as they saw the battlefield in their vision. Aslan had to be the one to lead the attack and such action could put Lucy and Susan in danger.

Something Leandre would rather avoid.

Her gaze swept over to Aslan's army and she couldn't help but give him an appreciative lick in the snout for all the things he had done in her absence.

Leandre gave Susan and Lucy a look, asking them if they are ready. With nervous but determined looks, both girls nodded as Alsan let out a small roar to move forward.


Peter wanted to kick himself right about now. His brother might still be alive but slowly dying and the witch barely had a scratch on her skin.

His strength was also tiring something he knew the witch was aware of as she held back in fully attacking him.

A roar from the distance caused the two of them to stare at the King of the Wood and of Narnia as he roared out his presence. Beside him was a young lioness that stood and glared down at the white witch.


Jadis heard herself say. Impossible it was, there was no way someone could come back from the dead. None of it was written in the Deep Magic.

All at once, Peter saw more of Aslan's army, the ones trapped in frozen ice statues from the witch. He smiled when he saw Lucy and Susan but frowned when he couldn't see Leandre.

Where was she?

The lioness let out a roar for attack and the Narnians descended on the queen's army.

Peter felt something metallic clang against his sword and he almost lost its grip. Though Aslan arrived with great timing, there was one thing that needs to be done.  Peter was so distracted by looking at Aslan that he nearly lost his grip on his sword when the witch swung her own on his.

Peter continued on fighting at the same time, hoping that some help will come.

Leandre and Aslan tore through the battle field, knocking off any enemy that came across their path. Leandre took note on how close Aslan stood beside her and couldn't help but smile.

A scream tore through Peter when he was knocked down and stabbed in the arm, pining him down. Flashes of his life went through his eyes as he stared up at the triumphant look on the witch's face.

A roar made her look up and he saw Aslan's form before he saw the figure if the witch gone from his sight.


Leandre stared as Aslan pinned down the witch a few feet away from Peter. She roared and pounced on those near Lucy and Susan as the three made their way towards Peter and Aslan.

Peter pulled out the sword stuck on his arm and began to throb in pain as colors flashed before his eyes as his pain focus was on Aslan.

The Great King turned to Peter with a nod in his head "It is finished" With no words to be said, Peter sighed with relief.

The reign of the Witch was over.

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