Logic of A Logistic

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It was around a few hours that Leandre woke up to the sound of someone crying and running footsteps.

Something's wrong.

Putting in her slippers, Leandre hastily followed after the sound of crying and Mrs. Mcready's voice filled with irritation.

"Oh, Professor! I told them you were not to be disturbed"

All eyes turned to Leandre when she noisily made her way to them "What's going on here? Lucy why are you crying?" At the sound of Leandre's voice, Lucy quickly ran into her arms and tried to his herself underneath Leandre's night clothes.

"Oh, it's alright Mrs. Macready - I'm sure there's a logical explanation. But I think this one needs some hot chocolate"

Proffessor Kirke said with a small smile he gave directly to Lucy "Oh young lady, would you be so kind as to help this little one. I think she's much more comfortable with you around" Leandre gave the professor a grateful smile before Mrs. Mcready ushered them out.

Peter and Susan quickly turned around to try and make a hasty exit, not wanting to cause anymore trouble.



"Feeling better?" Leandre asked Lucy as she slowly took a sip of her hot chocolate. Mrs. Mcready had left them for some alone time in the matters of family business.

"Feeling better?" Leandre asked and Lucy nodded for a bit with a weak smile before it dropped "Edmund lied to them. Said that we were just playing around" Leandre blinked.

"Edmund was with you in your magical world?"

"He wasn't technically with me and the place was called Narnia"

Leandre nodded before asking again "What's it like in Narnia Lu?" Lucy gave her a confused look "Why would you ask that? I thought you didn't believe in those things" Leandre sighed.

"True, what your saying sounds a bit farfetched but if Edmund did say you were just playing around and we all know he isn't a very truthful one then logically, you are very much telling the truth that Narnia is real"

Lucy giggled "I always wonder why people often choose to do things logically" Leandre shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe they're just afraid of what the unknown might bring them. You must understand that your brother and sister are all still traumatized by the war and they don't want to add anymore problems than in the present times"

Lucy nodded before sighing "What am I to do now that I have maybe caused more problem" Leandre patted her shoulder.

"The best way is to stop talking about Narnia and keep it to yourself until they are ready for that world"

Lucy nodded "Sometimes I wish you were my sister. Your logics are sometimes comforting" Leandre playfully puffed up her chest.

"Then I must be the High Logistics Person in the entire galaxy if I can keep that smile of yours. Because your one Pevensie who is more valiant than your siblings"

Lucy giggled lightly before they both stopped to finish their hot chocolate.


Professor Kirke was a man of many things and to think that the little one...after all these years of disappointment of finding out that he will not be able to return to that world.

Is the prophecy coming true now?

His gaze swept over to the silent Pevensie children. Oh these poor ones, what do those people teach children in school? The logics they know now and not those of the unknown.

Then again...people loved to hide fiction from facts that are present and would start an argument that cannot be solved unless proven.

"Alright you two off to bed now. The sun might be shining down tomorrow" The professor said with a wave of his hand.

Susan and Peter slowly stood up from their seats and began heading their way to the door.

"Oh and one more thing..."

Professor Kirke said making both Susan and Peter freeze in their tracks "Sometimes imagination has more intelligence than logic" Susan looked at Professor Kirke, wondering why something that would only appear in the mind would be more logical than logic itself.

"We'll remember that"

Peter said with a nervous smile before the two headed out of the room. They stood there for a moment before Peter turned to Susan.

"What do you think?"

"I still think something like that would exist"

Susan said. She would not believe something unless it is staring at her right in the face.

"What do YOU think Peter?"

Peter shrugged "I don't know what to believe. I mean, we both know Lucy wouldn't lie to us no matter how small or insignificant it is" Susan rubbed her face between her eyes.

"I just...can't seem to grasp it. A world inside a wardrobe, a dusty one at that"

"Let's just get ourselves to bed and think about it in the morning"

Susan said with a sigh upon which Peter agreed. Already he could feel a headache coming.


They opened the door to Lucy's room to find Leandre soothing a sleepy Lucy to bed. They waited for her to finish before they could begin to ask her.

Leandre wasn't surprised to find Susan and Peter at the door. She waited for them to speak up or else she was going to have to close her door in front of them.

"Lea, you know Lucy better than we do. The things she said of a world inside a wardrobe, do you believe there is such a thing?"

Leandre paused for a moment before answering.

"They say it was impossible for man to fly yet we have invented things that would make us soar through the clouds. They say that it was illogical for man to cross the sea to another country but that happened as well. For a world that lies in a wardrobe, we found lost cities in the most remote places. What difference does Lucy's world in a wardrobe make?"

No one spoke for a whole minute before Leandre sighed "What I am trying to say is that you are so dependent on the logic side that you fail to realize how far imagination takes it. Right now my imagination is to go to bed and sleep till the sun rises" Peter shook his head and smiled.

"Thanks for that Leandre. We feel much better now"

Leandre smiled before closing her door. She listened to their footsteps before she huffed.

"They still don't believe on the unexpected. Not surprising for a Pevensie eh dad..."

Leandre said to no one as she tucked herself in bed.

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