The Prophecy

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You couldn't give me ten minutes warning...look at this fur"

Mrs. Beaver looked at her with a frown on her face "I would have given you a week if I thought it would help" Mr. Beaver chuckled for a bit.

"Well you must be cold and hungry. Let's get you inside for some food and civilized conversation"

All the children perked up at the sound of food and Leandre's stomach decided to make an entrance sound. She held back an embarrassed blush as they all got inside the warm and cozy home of the beavers with the exception of Edmund.

Leandre turned to look at him still staring at the two mountains far ahead and wondered what made it all so fascinating before she was pulled out of her thoughts by the smell of fish.

"Fish and sticks, dear"

Mrs. Beaver said with a small smile. Leandre gratefully took one and began to nibble on the food which turned to gobbling the whole fish up.

"Is there nothing we can do about Mr. Tumnus?"

Peter asked while Lucy was still worried over her friend who was somewhere out there in Narnia.

"Well...there'a hope!"

Mrs. Beaver said helpfully in order to quench the gloom hanging over Lucy and the rest in worry for the faun.

"Yeah, there's a load full of hope... Aslan is on the move"

Leandre felt a jolt in her spine as she heard that name. It was almost as if it rang something familiar...

Familiar yet unfamiliar.

Leandre mused "Who's Aslan?" Peter asked in confusion, wondering why they changed the subject from worrying over Mr. Tumnus to a guy named Aslan.

"Who's Aslan?!" Mr. Beaver began to laugh out loud as he smacked his hands on the table. The kids stared at him as if he had lost his mind. Mrs. Beaver knew they were serious and gently laid her hand on Mr. Beaver, stopping him from laughing any further.

" silly little don't know do you?"

"Well we haven't actually been here very long" Peter said, a little defensively. Mr. Beaver stared at them in exasperation.

"He's only the king the whole wood, the true king of Narnia.... and he's waiting for you!"

"Waiting for us?" Lucy parroted back with a stunned look on her face. How could someone they do not know by name and by appearance be waiting for them?

"What for?"

Leandre asked as she leaned towards Mr. Beaver with a glint on her eyes "You got to be joking! Look, Aslan's return, Tumnus' arrest.....the secret police! They're all happening because of you!" All eyes went wide at that.

"So you're blaming us?" Susan asked with surprise and a little bit of uncertainty "Not blaming you, thanking you" Mrs. Beaver said in reassurance.

"That sentence...sounds so very wrong Mrs. Beaver. How can you be thanking us when we got you all into this mess?"

Leandre asked and Mr. Beaver sighed "There's....a prophecy, When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits in of Cair Paravel in throne the evil is over and done." Susan blinked.

"You know that...doesn't really rhyme"

"I know, but you're missing the point!" Mr. Beaver said as he threw his hands up. Mrs. Beaver grasped his hands and smiled to the children before she explained.

"It's long been told that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve will appear to defeat the White Witch, and restore peace to Narnia"

"And you think we're the ones?!" Peter asked with a troubled look on his face "Well you'd better be, Aslan's already fitted out your army!!!" Mr. Beaver said in indignation.

"You have an army?" Leandre turned to Peter in shock but he was as shock as her "I think you've made a mistake; we're not heroes!" Peter said and Leandre saw the Beavers beginning to frown.

"We're from Finchley" Susan added "I think it's time we were going. Lucy turned sharply at them "But what about Mr. Tumnus?" She asked, she was hoping her family would reconsider but...

"I'm sorry Lu but it's out of our hands"

"Thank you for your hospitality" Susan said, beginning to stand up "Wait, we can't just leave them with this" Leandre said "Lea this is bigger than you and all four of us" Susan said.

"Ed, time to go-" Peter stopped when he noticed his little brother's form was gone on the stairs "Ed?!" He called out as he looked around. He turned to Susan with a small spark if anger.

"I'm going to kill him"

Peter said "You don't have to..." Mr. Beaver said gravelly as they turned to him "Has Edmund ever been in Narnia?" Lucy pondered "Only once I think..." Leandre froze as she turned to Lucy.

"Was he with you during your entire time in Narnia?"

Lucy shook her head in answer and Leandre turned to look at Susan and Peter with equal worried looks.

"We have to go after him. Now!"


Edmund trudged up the snow without his coat towards the White Witch's castle. His strides were confident and he knew it wouldn't be long before his siblings and cousin would find out he's missing.

"Just a little longer..."

He muttered to himself as he reached the gates of the White Witch.


"Hurry up!"

Peter called out as they tried to run in a thick layer of snow "It's a bit hard since we aren't exactly running on Earth soil right now" Leandre grunted as she pulled herself up.

When they finally reached up the top of a hill, they saw Edmund heading inside the White Witch's castle.


Lucy screamed, her shouts echoed across the snowy mountain "Shhh! They'll hear ya!" Mr. Beaver shushed Lucy before stopping Peter from running even further.


"Get off me!" Peter screamed as he shoved Mr. Beaver off him "We can't just let him leave!" Susan exclaimed "He's our brother!" Lucy added.

"He's the bait! The witch wants all four of ya!"

Mr. Beaver explained "Why?" Peter asked as he bent down to look at Mr. Beaver "To stop the prophecy from coming true. To kill ya!" A chill ran over their spines as Leandre looked at the fleeting figure of Edmund.

"This is all your fault!" Susan screamed at Edmund. All the anger and stress that she had bottled up now burst through at this final act and she turned it all on Peter.

"My fault?!"

"None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!"

"Oh so you knew this would happen?!" Peter asked with a hint of mocking.

"I didn't know WHAT would happen..."

Susan said with narrowed eyes as Leandre backed away from the fighting pair.

"Which is why we should left in the first place!"


Lucy screamed with her eyes closed. She hated to see her siblings fight when things get worse "None of this is helping Edmund" Lucy said "She has a point. Edmund is counting on us to help him" Leandre said tiredly.

"She's right, only Aslan can save him now" Mr. Beaver said as he turned to look at Peter "Then take us to him" Peter said to him.

They all stared at Edmund's disappearing form as they hoped to get to this Aslan person before the White Witch could do something serious to Edmund.

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