A Life for a Life

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Leandre had headed a few trees in front of Aslan for she had not seen Lucy or Susan until Aslan spoke up.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?"

He didn't sound mad just stern and questioning like a parent asking a child on why he or she disobeyed their orders.

For a moment Leandre thought it she herself that he was addressing and was prepared to speak up before she heard them.

"We couldn't sleep"

"Please Aslan, can we come with you?"

Susan and Lucy

Leandre sighed as Aslan spoke "I would be glad for the company tonight" Leandre peeked from her hiding place and saw her cousins hold on to his long and yellow mane.

The meadow before them was grassy and vast and she lay underneath a small palm tree as she await for his return to her.

A rustle in the bushes signaled her that someone was coming and sighed with relief when she smelled the familiar scent of him.

"I was thinking you weren't going to show -"

She held back a choked laugh as her emerged from the bushes. Hus once lush mane was now covered with twigs and branches.

"Dear one, your mane is a mess"

She stated before she laughed loud. He grunted before he tried to shake them off. It was undignified of him as King but for her...he would do almost anything to keep her smiling.

"Come here, let's get you a bath. I doubt the council would want their king looking like that"

He gave her a small smile as she nuzzled herself against him and she wondered how his mane still remain soft and comfortable to sleep in underneath all the twigs.

"Looks like you just caught some of the twigs"

She gave him a small lick on the cheek "Looks like I'm bathing with you"

Leandre snapped herself out of her vision. Seriously, what is all of these visions? Were they dreams or memories of Aslan? No, she was seeing him through someone's eyes.

What could they mean?

Leandre followed them until Aslan stopped "It is time. From now on, I must go on alone. Thank you Susan,  thank you Lucy and farewell" Now sounded like it was goodbye forever and Leandre didn't like it one bit.

Her eyes went wide at the sight of the witch and the crowd of monsters with her. Aslan entered as they parted and made no resistance when he was hit to the ground by the witch's general.

Leandre gasped and almost made a dash to save Aslan when his gaze snapped at her. Golden eyes telling, begging her not to come after him made her falter.

"Bind him!"

The witch's voice echoed across the crowd and all creatures descended on Aslan like vultures on a prey. Hidden in the bushes and further away from where Leandre is, Lucy and Susan watch the horror unfold.

"Why doesn't he fight back?"

Lucy asked the question again but it remained unanswered as they finished binding Aslan. The ropes were tight to cut through skin.


The witch said as they prepared him to be brought to her "First let him be shaved" That was the last straw for Leandre when she saw a dwarf with a red cap reach out to grab a fistful of his mane.


Leandre roared as her voice carried out and it almost seemed as of something or someone roared out with her.

Everyone was startled as she charged through the crowd pushing and shoving until she fell on her knees over Aslan as she glared on every creature that dared to move closer.

Lucy and Susan jumped when they saw Leandre rocketing towards the enemy to get to Aslan. For a moment, they thought they almost saw the apparition of a lioness running alongside Leandre but it disappeared before they could blink.

"Well, well, it seems we have an uninvited guest"

The amused tone of Jadis made Leandre look up with anger but not hate. She could never hate an enemy, not unless the enemy had no reason for turning evil.

"Bind her as well"

Aslan growled when they descended on Leandre and bound her arms and feet before a gag was placed on her mouth.

Leandre fought then tooth and nail until she was unable to move at all and her limbs were beginning to numb.

Leandre screamed when they began to begin again shaving Aslan's mane and all at once she watched them fall like freshly fallen autumn leaves falling to prepare for the cold and harsh winter.

"Bring him to me"

Jadis ordered and Leandre watched as Aslan was painfully dragged to the stone table with words carved from the side.

Leandre squirmed as she tried to reach out to Aslan through her binds before she was harshly carried by the general, Otmin.

Aslan growled when he saw her being harshly carried and fought the temptation to rip these binds to get to her.

Jadis raised her hands and silence filled the air. Lucy and Susan thought they were going to suffocate because of this. It almost feels like a sacrificial ritual.

"Tonight, the Deep magic will be appeased, but tomorrow, we will take Narnia, Forever!"

Cheers rose through the crowd as Leandre struggled from her binds and the hold Otmin had on her.

If she could just hop towards him.

She saw Jadis lean down towards Aslan and began caressing his body. Rage built on her like an inferno. She had no right to touch him! How dare she put her hands on him.

"You know Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you really think that by giving your life you would save the Human boy? Ha, you are giving up your life and saving no one"

Aslan didn't show any emotion as she touched him though he did feel and see the burning eyes his mate held as she watched.

"Not even your little mate that doesn't even remember you"

This brought a reaction Jadis hoped as he gave a guttural snarl. Her gaze drifted to the struggling human in Otmin's hold. Even with her efforts in vain she still tried to get to him.

How amusing love does to people and how easy it breaks someone.

"Bring her here"

Jadis ordered and she felt Aslan stir beneath her as Otmin harshly pushed Leandre who fell into Aslan's face. Leandre breathed through her nose as she nuzzled his face.

"So much for love..."

Jadis said wistfully and Leandre struggled to stand and give Jadis a swift punch but her legs being bound prevent her from doing it.

"In that knowledge... Despair"

Aslan saw Otmin unsheathe his sword and began to furiously try to tell Leandre to move away but the binds in his mouth were too tight.

"... and DIE!!!!!!"

A sharp pain in his side made him give out a pained growl but what caused him to feel that pain was the sword that was embedded in Leandre's stomach.

Susan covered Lucy's mouth and eyes when she saw Otmim plunge the sword in Leandre. Lucy began to silently sob for her cousin as Susan held her.

Leandre coughed and watched droplets of them splatter in Aslan's face. She silently sent him an apologetic look as she placed her forehead on his before slowly closing her eyes.

"The great cat is DEAD!!"

Jadis exclaimed and never had she felt a rush of victory as the crowd cheered and roared in their leader's kill.

Susan and Lucy never felt so alone and lost right then and there.

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