Meet the Beavers

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Leandre wanted to smile at the beautiful layout of the snow as it covered the trees however she felt some uneasiness beginning to settle the longer she stared at the trees.

It almost felt like they were watching them.

"...and tea and..." She heard Lucy trailed off and followed her gaze to the broken door in front of them. Lucy let out a horrified gasp before she broke into a run.


Peter called as they ran after the distraught girl inside the house. They all stared at the destruction that lay before here.

"Dear Lord, it seems like there was a struggle here"

Leandre commented as she placed back a glass furniture that for some reason had been saved from breaking. Lucy stared at the two sofas facing the fire where she and Mr. Tumnus usually have tea.

"Who would do something like this?"

Lucy mumbled as she tried to keep herself together. It was no use crying and right now she had a dear friend in need of her help. Edmund accidentally stepped on a picture and froze when he saw an older looking faun starring back at him.

"Peter what is that on the wall?"

Susan asked as she pointed to a piece of paper stuck on the wall. Peter tore it off from where it was placed and began reading.

"The Former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, also to comforting her said Majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with Humans. signed Maugrim, captain of the Secret Police, Long live the Queen"

Peter looked at Susan with a worried look "Now we really should go" Susan said, already beginning to feel afraid for her siblings and her cousin.

"But we have to help him!" Lucy exclaimed "It's out of our hands Lu" Lucy looked at Peter in disbelief "You don't understand, I'm the human! They must've found out he helped me" Leandre grabbed the paper from Peter's hand.

"You know what...I have a feeling that this Jadis is not exactly what she thinks she is. This all seems fishy to me"

"Maybe we should call the police"

"These are the police"

Susan said, gesturing to the paper "Don't worry Lu, we'll think of something" Peter said reassuringly to Lucy.

"Why should we help him I mean he's a criminal"

Edmund said and for once, Leandre felt chills seeping into her body "Edmund, he was arrested for helping out your sister. If that is a crime then there really something wrong with this picture!" Everyone stopped when they heard a Robin say "psst!" 

Susan turned to Peter in astonishment "Did that bird just 'psst' us?" Leandre was the first to head out "This whole world is new. It wouldn't be impossible for us to discover something new" Peter followed after Leandre as they all stepped out.

A rustle from the bushes made Peter push Leandre behind him as the others fell into line. It was to their relief it was only a beaver.

"It's a beaver" Lucy whispered, not wanting to frighten the animal and making it scamper away. Peter began to click and held out his hand.

"Here, boy *clicks* come here...*clicks*"

The beaver stared at Peter's hand before it sat upright "Well, I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want!" Peter's eyes grew wide as he drew his hand back and Leandre let out a gasp.

"It's a talking beaver!"

Edmund exclaimed in surprise "Lucy Pevensie?" Mr. Beaver asked and the little Pevensie bravely stepped in front.


Lucy's eyes grew to disbelief when she saw a familiar handkerchief that was placed into her hands.

"This is the handkerchief I gave to Mr-"

"Tumnus. He gave it to me just before they took him"

Leandre lightly brushed passed Susan and Peter as she stepped behind Lucy "Is he alright? Poor Lucy has been worried sick ever since she saw the house" Leandre saw the beaver's eyes went wide when he took note of her.

"Further in"

The beaver whispered before he scampered away and before Peter could follow, Susan grabbed his hand "Peter, we don't know what you are doing" Peter looked at Susan.

"She's right. How do we know we can trust this beaver?" Edmund said in agreement. His gaze still weary of what he had just witnessed.

"He says he knows the faun"

"He's a beaver...he shouldn't be saying anything!"

Leandre turned to Susan "That was similar on how you outright disregarded Lucy on her belief on this place. Also, it sounded like this beaver knew the faun well" Susan grew silent.

"Is everything alright?"

They turned to see the beaver poking his head out "Yes, we were just talking" Peter said, gesturing to Susan "That's better left for safe corners" The beaver said before he disappeared again.

Lucy turned to look at her confused companions "He means the trees" They looked at one another before they reluctantly followed the beaver to who knows where.


Night was slowly settling in and Leandre was beginning to feel the chills coursing through her body "Oh what would I give for a cozy warmth of a home" Leandre said as Mr. Beaver chuckled.

"Not to worry your majesty, we're almost there!"

Leandre froze before she turned to look at Mr. Beaver who was casually walking up and down the slopes of his  dam and neither of her cousins seem to hear him say that.

Did I just heard it wrong?

"There is home sweet home"

Mr. Beaver said as he proudly pointed to the direction of his house and the look of smoke coming from the chimney made them all think of food.

"Oh, what a beautiful dam Mr. Beaver"

Lucy commented and Mr. Beaver felt himself humbled "Merely a trifle" He stated as they headed to the direction of the house.

"Is that you Beaver?" A feminine voice filled the air and Leandre blinked when she saw another beaver with a more feminine body than the one with them.

"I find out you've been out with Badger again I'll...Oh!"

Mrs. Beaver eyed the four human children with awe and shock "They're not Badgers, I never thought I would see this day..." Her gaze rested on Leandre and her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Oh seems as if you have arrived a little too early"

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