Ch. 17 Le Grand Guignol

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WITH ALL THE ORIGINALS OUT OF THE HOUSE, HAYLEY DECIDED IT WAS THE PERFECT TIME TO SNEAK OUT. She managed to capture Celeste and take her to the bayou to undo the spell on the Crescents. As much as I wanted to help her and the pack, I had Original family drama to deal with. Elijah had found both his siblings and brought Klaus back while Rebekah ran.

I made my way towards the eldest Original, frowning. "Who's that?" I asked Elijah, seeing a blonde woman standing in the courtyard.

"You two haven't met? This day just gets better and better," Elijah muttered.

I didn't understand, but I followed him over to the woman. "Rory, meet Camille," he said.

"Cami," she corrected. "And your Rory, the girl carrying Klaus' baby." She stared at me in surprise.

"His girlfriend," I said.

She continued to stare at me. "I expected you to be older," she said.

How was it possible that she hadn't even said twenty words to me and I already didn't like her? "That could be the title of my autobiography," I said.

Elijah smiled at the human. "She's had a long few days," he said.

"Why is this lady here?" I asked.

"Because he needs to stay weak and Cami has been taking vervain. You, however, have no need for vervain and can't use it or wolfsbane in your current situation," he said.

I glared. "I have a sister who really needs my help and a two year old who is beyond pissed because she hasn't gone this long without Auntie Bex in five months, my head hurts, my miracle baby is still refusing to let me get a full meal down, and my boyfriend has a magical dagger inside of him. I would really like to get this over with because I really just want to crawl into bed and complain about all this crap to him," I said.

Cami was still staring at me. And I still didn't know exactly how she knew who I was, but I was pretty sure she hadn't been expecting me to be like this. "She reminds me of an older Caroline. She already seems too perky," I said.

"Can you please work with me?" Elijah asked.

"Can you hurry up and get your sister out of town so I can actually sleep?" I asked.

"I will if you can help Camille keep him under control," he said.

I glanced at the blonde, not liking her in any way. "Fine," I agreed.


We went to me and Klaus' bedroom. He was laying on the bed, a long red scar running down his chest from Papa Tunde's blade. When Elijah had gone to rescue them, Klaus had already found out about Rebekah's betrayal. He had been furious. The only way Elijah could find to keep him from possibly killing their sister was to stick the dagger in him.

"The dagger the witch gave me is inside him?" Cami asked.

I glared at her. "Obviously," I muttered. I didn't like this. Why had this lady had the dagger? More specifically, why the hell didn't I know about it?

"Excuse Ms. Forbes, she takes some getting used to," Elijah told her, smiling at me. I gave him a look as he rolled up his sleeves. "Every second it remains causes Niklaus untold suffering."

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