15: Familiar Stranger P1

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"Someone was in my room last night," I told Gabriel as we walked to our cars. I'd managed to go the whole day without having a hissy fit or mental breakdown. Yesterday gave me an insight into how to handle my emotions:

A lot of brainwork.

Just seeing Kimberly earlier almost made me rip her eyes out. It's like trying to hold a wall up with only your own hands.

Gabriel's nose flared and his usually ocean blue eyes turned into an icy wasteland. "Who?"

I shrugged. "I didn't see who it was. But they took my feather," I watched his face go into deep thought. My eyes narrowed slightly. "Was it you?"

His faced flashed from thoughtful to hurt. "Why would I take it?"

We stopped by our cars.

He stared at me waiting for me to answer. I wished I'd never said it. "I... Maybe it's because you've been coming into my room for the past week."

He wasn't buying it. "Why would I take it?" He asked again.

I looked down at the floor avoiding his stare. "I don't know."

"Think before you speak next time." He murmured then walked away.

I understand why I feel guilty. But why do I also feel hurt? Gabe and I have had tons of arguments before but that stung. They never hurt.

I sighed and watched Gabriel drive off. I turned to my car and opened the door when somebody called my name. Ian walked over to me with a smile.


I smiled back with what little enthusiasm I had left. "Hi,"

He frowned. "What's up?"

"Don't worry about it,"

He shrugged. "Alright; well have a good weekend." He turned to walk away when an idea popped into my head. Gabe wasn't coming over tonight so I might as well do something instead of staying in like an unsocial loser.

"Hey Ian," He turned. "You wanna come over?"

He smiled and nodded.


"Ant, what are you doing here?" I groaned when I walked in the living room. Ian stood behind me obviously trying to peer in.

Anthony turned the channel over to MTV. "Making sure you don't bring guys over for their, 'Wham-Bam, Thank You Ma'am,' session," He looked around me and said, "You never fail to disappoint."

I scowled and was about to start a cursing match with him but decided against it. I didn't want Ian thinking I had a dumb-ass family.

"Grow up, Anthony," Was all I said back.

I led Ian upstairs into my room and told him to make himself at home.

"Wow, I'm in Alexis Gardiner's room."

I turned to him and raised a brow.

He smirked. "All week, all I've been getting from guys are, 'Dude you know Alex? High-five!' and 'Have you been in her room? Apparently it's loaded with sex toys.'"

I doubled over with laughter.

"No joke," He walked around my room with interest. I kicked off my shoes and lay on my bed.

He walked around in silence as I lay on my bed scratching the crap out of my hand. Lately it's been looking like a swollen bee hive. No word of a lie, I think my arm is a balloon.

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