Big Brother Sehun

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"Yeoboseyo oppa? I'm walking through the F section. Which one is your car?" i ask as i keep walking around the parking lot, pushing my trolly.

"Audi R8, black one. Ahh! I think i see you. You're wearing my Valentino sweater aren't you?" Oh Sehun, my famous step brother asks.

"Yup. Oooh i see your car! What's with you and luxury things?" I tease him.

"Hurry up. I'm hungry!" He says and hang up the call.

I'm delighted to finally see someone familiar in a foreign country.

"YA! HURRY!" I can hear Sehun shouts at me. It's good to see him smiling widely.

I run forward and he opens the backdoor for me, without even stepping out of the car.

"Halsuisso?" He asks from the driver seat. I just nod my head happily.

I understand that he wants to help but he can't be seen by anyone.

"I glad to see your happy face after quite a long time" Sehun says as i take a sit next to him.

"I miss you too, Sehun-ssi. Long time no see~" i greet jokingly. He just laughs hearing my responds.

"Sehun oppa, not Sehun-ssi" he corrected me and starts to drive.

"Thanks for picking me up. By the way, where are we going?" I ask. I hope we're not going to his parents house.

"My house. Suho hyung will be there to help us" he says.

Umm to help with what?

"Alright. By the way, how's your mom?" I ask, knowing my appearance will bother her.

"She's okay... She doesn't know you're here with me" he says.

I just sigh. I know it'll be hard for his mom to accept me.

"Dad is doing alright and so is my big brother. You should see them soon" he suggests.

"Thank you so much for not hating me" i say, trying to smile.

"Naeun-ah, it's not your fault. It was your mom and my dad's fault that you had to grow up being hated" he says. "I'm actually glad you're in Seoul"

"And why is that?" Can't understand

"At least i can keep my eyes on you and keep you safe" he says.

"Aww my big brother is so cute" i say as i pinch his cheek.

"Ya! I'm driving!"

We're just laughing and catching up things that we missed in States.

"Naeun-ah wake up" i hear Sehun's voice. "How can you sleep after that long flight?"

I can't help but to moan and stretch my back.

"Let's go out. We're home!" he says.

Oh my goodness.

This is not a house, it's a palace!
I finally understand why he's scared to stay here alone.

"It's not bad, right?" he asks.

"What do you mean? This house is five times bigger than my apartment in LA!" I say excitedly.


"Oh! Annyeong Sehun-ah!" Suho greets Sehun with a hug.

"Hyung, this is my sister that i told you before, Oh Naeun" Sehun introduces me to Suho, the handsome man.

"Hyung, this is my sister that i told you before, Oh Naeun" Sehun introduces me to Suho, the handsome man

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"Hello Naeun! Nice to finally see you" Suho shakes my hand. He's so cute for trying to speak to me in English.

Sehun rolls his eyes.
"She's a Korean hyung, stop trying to impress her"

Suho laughs.

"Nice to see you, Suho oppa" i smile widely. Damn he looks fine.

"Let's go inside! Sehun has prepared your special bedroom. We hope you like it" Suho says.

"Shouldn't i be the one to say that?" Sehun complaints but me and Suho already walking inside.


I can't believe he renovated the guest room to be pink-ish themed one.

It's not my style but everything is really pretty.

"You don't like it, do you?" Sehun asks. "I know i should've chosen blue themed color instead of this one"

"I love it! This may be to girly but this looks gorgeous" i say happily.

I really want to hug him but i don't want to make him uncomfortable.

Suho taps my shoulder and says
"House warming gift from me will be here in a few days. Wait for it!"

"You don't need to do that oppa..."

"I think it's about time to eat. I'm starving to death" Sehun says as he puts his hands on my shoulder.

"Sehun-ah, aren't you going introduce her to other members?" Suho says.

"As much as i hate the idea, i think we'll need to do that" Sehun replies.

"Waeyo? What's wrong with me?"

Suho chuckles.

"He knows you'll like one of them, Naeun-ah" Suho says.

Sehun leaves us before answering.

I can't wait to see another stunning Korean men.

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