Happy Birthday (Part 2)

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I was interrupted earlier from the door bell. Turns out Larry came by to invite me somewhere tonight. He told me to where a ballgown. Where the hell am I supposed to find something like that?! Well, I guess I can go through my mom's old clothes. They used to live for events like these. Which is probably the reason I dress the way I do. I don't even know why I bother to check out their Storage Units sometimes. But I do. I always find cool things or something that sparks my interest. Well, I guess I should go and find some clothes. Larry told me I could bring a spare pair of clothes since the after party will be more "lit" then the main party. He said for me to wear what I normally would wear. And so that's what I am going to do.

It's 6:30 and the boys are all coming to pick me up around 7:30. So if I wanna get ready and look good then I should go and get dressed. Don't go anywhere, journal, I am not done with you. I will be back to finish my daily entry. They said this would help me with my...mental problems...so I will be back.

Zhaen sighed as she got up from her desk and put her journal in the false bottom of her top left drawer in her desk. She got up and popped her knuckles and wrist. Then her back and neck. She let out a sigh and smiled a bit.

"Guess I should check out some of her dresses now." I pulled out my phone and set a timer. I will only spend 15 minutes picking out a dress. Then I will spend 20 minutes to do my hair, 15 on my make up and 10 on picking the right shoes. When I get it all together? I will post it on my MaskBook Page.

At first? I looked at a purple dress. 97% of it was skin. I had one sleeve and one arm was bare. Like from my fingertips to the top of my breast was bare. Then I had a whole section cut out so that was all skin and same thing for a whole slit up my right leg. Too much skin.

It's been 3 minutes.

I picked out another dress. It had sparkles on it and a nice little buckle. It was as dark and blue as midnight sky out in the country. Where there was no city lights and you can see all the stars. It was pretty and all, but dark blue, or at least this blue? Isn't my color. It's just not me.

It's been 6 minutes.

The third dress was more on the tribal side. It was all black but had more skin showing then the first. It only counts as a dress because the back barely holds it all in one piece. It was like wearing a bra, with a fancy design on the back and one huge skirt. I wonder where I get my sense of style, especially since I...nevermind...I don't even want to think about that. Or them.

It's been 9 minutes.

Damn, I only have 6 more minutes. I only have time to look at two more. What to do?! Anyways, the fourth dress I had picked out was more my style but was shorter than what the dress code was. Crazy. A dresscode. Anyways. It was a short little black dress. Much more my style. The only skin it showed a lot of was my legs and I didn't care. I don't know why or how legs can distract anyone but I don't know. I'm not normal and will never know. I sigh and take the dress off. I only have enough time to try on one more dress and then 1 minute to pick one.

It's been 12 minutes.

Tick tock dear, don't want to be late~

"Please. Shut up, I don't need your feedback. I can do this on my own." Zhaen rolled her eyes and picked out on more dress to try on.

The final dress had blood red bottom covered by layers of black lace. It's sleeves were long and tight till they got to the wrists where they were open and exposed. Zhaen liked this dress a lot more than the others. It was just her colours and mood. There was a choker that went with it and she smiled as she put it on.

"Perfect. I guess I should post these on MaskBook." She said as she uploaded her pictures to her profile.

" She said as she uploaded her pictures to her profile

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Now she has to move onto hair. She had her dress picked out and her makeup done. She'd decided to do it after she got the dress on. It would save her time. Or she thought. But it didn't. It still took her the whole 15 minutes. So she still has half a hour. Fun. It takes her 5 minutes just to put it up for lazy things. But she has 20 minutes for her hair and this is going to be stressful as fuck. She let out a sigh.

At first she tried to do a bun but she thought it looked a wee bit ridiculous and too casual. So she straightened it and restart. This was going to be harder than she thought. She even tried doing a higher bun and thought she looked stupid. This is something she would never see herself doing and this is something she sure as hell was never going to leave her house looking like.

Ok, next she tried to do a braid and then shook her head. She didn't like this one either. Zhaen thought that maybe she should just look this up but decided that would be like cheating. She was going to do this and get it right. She went through like four other hairstyles before finally deciding to just do the bun. She will go all out for the dress but chose to just do her own thing with her hair. And the bun is the way she chose to go with it.

Zhaen sighed as she threw her phone on the ground

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Zhaen sighed as she threw her phone on the ground. She decided to just wear some black heels under her dress and looked at the time. 7:27. She decided to head outside after picking up a bag by the door. She had already had her after party clothes all picked out and decided to save them till the actual after party before sharing them on MaskBook. She let out the breath she didn't know she was holding when Larry pulled into the drive way and smiled at her. He got out of the car and laughed.

"Woah bish! You clean up nicely!" He said and Zhaen rolled her eyes.

"Gee, I don't know whether to thank you or punch you." She said as she went to playfully punch him but heard someone else.

"Well, if you punch him then we might have a problem." The voice said. Zhaen smiled and turned around. She was greeted but a blue haired male. She can't call him a boy anymore since he was almost taller than Larry right now. At the moment they were the same height but he was almost shorter.

"Sal!" She basically yelled as she hugged him. He no longer was at boob height. He laughed as he hugged her back. Her head was on his shoulder.

"It's good to see you too Zhaen. It's been awhile huh?"

To be continued...

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