Chapter 14

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Sal took a long ass shower. Like a hour. But it was worth it. He felt clean enough to face Zhaen. Just the thought of Travis touching him and not Larry? Ew. 

"Zhaen, I have a question an-What are you doing?" Sal walked in on Zhaen but she was standing on the back of the couch, on her toes and with her head to the ceiling.

"I thought I heard a sound. No one should up there right? On floor five?" She looked over at Sal and he shrugged. There shouldn't be anyone up there but the ghosts.

"Maybe you are just hearing Megan run around. I can hear her little foot steps pitter patter sometimes. I think it's raining in the building sometimes then I actually think about it." Sal helps the brunette down and she shakes her head. 

"No, it sounded like heavier. And Megan is such a small little girl. And-" She was about to say something but it felt as if the whole building shook. Both teens looked at each other with wide eyes.

"And what? Zhaen?"

Her eyes had widened and she started shaking. She shook for only a few seconds before taking a breath then smiling. She shook her head in denial and grabbed Sal's wrist.

"And we are going to the place I was telling you about. Now." Sal wanted to ask her what she really meant but he pushed it off to the side for now. It was something she clearly didn't wanna talk about; something that was all to relatable for himself.

Before they left, Sal grabbed his SGB. Never know what's out there. They make it out of the apartments. She said something about going into the woods earlier and so Sal started walking towards them with Zhaen when she stopped. She gasped and was looking up at the fifth floor. She stumbled backwards and tripped over her own feet. Sal looked up at the fifth floor and saw nothing. He looked back at Zhaen and saw she had gotten up and caught up with him.

"Sorry, I tripped a bit. Follow me." There she goes, smiling again. Like everything was alright. It kind of hurt Sal a little to see her doing that. He wanted her to open up about. He went back to yesterday when she defended Sal against Travis. Talking about a Rulen. And he noticed her bandages on her arms. She said she had stitches, which she did, on her side and thigh; not on her arms though because Sal knew better than that. He knew what she was doing, all too well. And she seemed sad the night he stayed over when she mentioned a Rylen. Or was it the other way around?? No, he thought he was right the first time.


While Sal was deep in thought, he ran into a branch and fell backwards. Zhaen caught him by the hand and smiled.

"Are you good Sal? You almost died." She joked but she thought he should be paying attention. They are in the woods after all.

"Yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Yo-ah, where you are taking me. Thinking about what I said earlier about you murdering me." If he flat out said he was thinking about her, it would've either made things weird or she would've asked ten thousand questions. 

"Ah, well, you did follow me to my apartment that one night. If I wanted you dead, I could've done it there." They both laugh as they trek further and further into the woods. It looked like it was getting dark but it was only 9:37 in the morning. 

"I haven't been this far in the forest before. Zhaen, where are were going?"

"Don't ask questions. I am taking you somewhere special. Only Ash and a few other really close friends know about it." Sal nodded and felt a little weird. This sounds like something only people close to her should know about, which made him stop in his tracks.

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