Chapter 24

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I have decided to change the story line. But I won't give it away. And there will be a sequel ^-^

It's been a few days, because I'm lazy, and Zhaen hasn't woken up yet. They checked her out and worked on her and all that mess. She has many broken bones, which is to be expected since she "fell" from a five story window. No one has been able to see Zhaen except Larry. Why?? Because she is so bad right now that only family can see her. Larry isn't related to her but he looks related and he knew he did which is why he said he was her brother.

Anytime they let Larry in, he would always look over at Zhaen. He missed her like all her other friends. It's only been a few days, yeah, but no one knew what really happened. Everyone is still looking into it.

Larry had pulled up a chair and sat next to Zhaen. He looked at her and sighed.

"Listen, I know you can't hear me, but...everyone misses you. We haven't known you as long as Ash has, but it's eating at all of us. We want to know what happened. We don't think you are stupid enough to fall out a window," He laughed to himself. It was like he was trying to lighten the mood.

"You should've seen it, Sal almost killed Todd and I was the one to hold him back. It was terrible..." Larry let out a sigh and looked over at Zhaen. Nothing. As to be expected. But he kept talking to her. The doctors told him that maybe he would get some sort of reaction if someone she was close to talked to her. 

"I know we aren't close Zhaen, but we need you to wake up. We just need you in general." He looked up and jumped a bit, he thought something touched him. He looked around and shrugged it off. He didn't see anything so it must've been nothing.

Larry looked over at the heart rate monitor and watched it move up and down as it beeped.

"Zhaen..." Larry took a deep breath and was about to say something when he saw her heart rate jump then go back to normal. He looked confused and turned his direction from the monitor and back to Zhaen, "Are you ok?" Her heart rate jumped again.

"So, you can hear me?!" Larry got excited then he saw nothing happen to the monitor. He sighed again and got up. He grabbed her hand and cupped it with his own, "Well, whether you can or not, that won't stop me from coming here. I know I told them I was brother, even though I'm not, but you are like a sister to me Zhaen. Like an older one. You protected Sal that one time and I appreciate it. You were here for all of us and now we are here to return the favor. I will continue to come back every day until you wake up. I will somehow find a way to let the others in as well." He stopped for a second, he could've swore he felt something wet on his arm. But he wasn't crying. He thought that there must have been a leak. 

He looked around and saw nothing, but he saw little drops of water on the ground, "What the hell is happening??" He looked over at Zhaen and felt warm for a second, but only a second because he was interrupted by his mom poking her head in the room.

"Lar-Bear? It's time to go home. Visiting hours are over." She said as she walked in all the way. She was wearing a nurse's uniform and looked over at him with a sorry expression. He nodded and looked at Zhaen again before getting up.


Larry thought he heard something as he had gotten to the door. He turned his head and jumped a bit, knocking into his mom.

"Larry! Ow, are you ok??" She was knocked into the door a bit and he looked around then nodded.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am sure mom. Thanks for letting me come by."

"No problem hun, hey, I work the night shift on my own tomorrow if you want to bring your friends."

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