Chapter 32

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Did you know? There are 59 parts but only 32 chapters~? Ma bad boos. 

One more thing before I start this, I plan on making this up to 50 Chapters. Then there will be a sequel. I also might move all these extra chapters to another story/book? So they won't be in the way, but I will leave that up to you guys. I won't update again till Tuesday, unless I feel like doing more than one book on Saturday since I am off :). Enjoy le story~

The next morning, Sal woke up to Larry missing. He looked down the hall and saw the bathroom door was open.

"Dude, if you are going to piss then close the d-what are you doing?" Sal looked over and saw Larry looking at himself in the mirror and Larry shook his head while glaring at his mirrored self.

"I don't know, I have the urge to cut my hair off but I don't know why...weird..." He shrugs and walks out of the bathroom and Sal sits there scratching the back of his head. Very confused. So very confused. 

"Riiiight? Larry, bae, are you good? Like are you sick?" Sally ran over to Larry and put the back of his hand to Larry's forehead and he laughed a bit.

"No~ I am fine. Why do you always think there's something wrong with me? What the hell dude?" Larry hugged Sal and messed his already messy hair up. 

"You are just being weird is all." Sal said as he escaped his embrace, "Come on, we are going to be late for school again if you don't get dressed." Sal said as he changed into some of Larry's clothes.

"Uh huh? And I care why? I don't want to go to school today Sal, let's just skip." He said as he plopped himself down onto his bed.

"You know we can't, we have to copy notes in order for her to graduate." Larry rolled his eyes. He really didn't wanna go today. 

"Yeah, but do both of us have to go? Can't I just stay home today?" He said as he lifted his head to look over at Sal. Sal smirked.

"I guess, but then again? That would leave Travis. Neither you nor Zhaen will be there to help me out today."

Larry groaned and sat up. Putting on a shirt and some pants.

"Fine, guess I will go today. You can stay here."

"No way," Sal started, "I wanna spend the whole entire day with you at that sorry excuse for a school~" He said and laughed a bit. He clipped his prosthetic on before walking out the door. Smiling underneath it.

"You are such...such...I can't think of an adorable word! I have over used muffin too many times and so have-" 


"Larry? So have what? Who?" Sal said as he stopped in front of Larry, a concerned look on his hidden face.

"Hm? I don't remember. Oh! So has Zhaen! She freaking calls you a muffin all the time that the word is literally getting as old as a stale muffin itself."

"So." Sal smirked, "You think I'm stale?" He tried to hold in his laugh and Larry sighs before running his hand through his hair.

"Of course not, dummy, I have been trying to think of something cute and blue related to call you. But nothing can compare to those when it comes to you. Not even a muffin." Larry kissed the top of Sal's head and they walked to school. Larry didn't wanna drive today and the bus was never going to be an option. Not after last year. 

"You, Larry Johnson, are a dork. But I love you anyways." Sal said as he slipped his hand into Larry's and they walked all the way to the school like that. They didn't pay attention to the glares and stares. Murmurs and whispers. Pointing. They loved each other and that's all they cared about.

The two had gotten to where the group would normally hang out in the morning. But all they found was Neil. He smiled and walked over to them.

"Hey guys! You guys are so cute! I shipped it from the beginning!" Neil squealed like a little school girl and Larry chuckled.

"Ay Neil. Where's Todd? Ash?"

Neil rubbed the back of your neck, "You didn't know? Ash and Todd got into a fight this morning. They both got suspended before the day even started. The two of them actually threw things at each other. So they won't be coming back for a few weeks. Normally it'd only be a few days to a week. But not this time. Half a hour ago? Ash picked a fight with Todd after he said some not ok things about the whole thing with Zhaen." He took a pause and Larry and Sal listened intently. 

"Well, they ended up cursing at each other first. Even the teachers. I mean, I would expect that behavior from Ash, but Todd? No way. After they cursed each other out, it got physical. Todd actually threw a notebook at her and she threw a text book. Next thing you know? They are throwing beakers and chairs." He takes another breath before continuing, "They both hit a teacher in the process and a few students trying to break it up. Those two are idiots for starting a fight and I will have a stern conversation with Todd after school today. So I ask that you talk to Ash. I thought they were friends?"

"They are." Sal said as he looked over at Larry and he nodded.

"Yeah, Todd and Ash have a few disagreements but they would never get physical like that. Verbally and mentally? For sure, but never physically. Especially not Todd." Larry said as he put his stuff in his locker. 

"Maybe they are just stressed. I mean," Sal started, "Ash had to see her girlfriend almost die last night and Todd was there when Zhaen fell. Both traumatic experiences don't you think?" He looked over at Neil and he sighed. Nodding.

"You're right. I won't be too hard on Todd since this is the first time he has ever done something like this. I still ask you talk to Ash though. I understand her significant other is in the hospital? But she shouldn't take it out on her friends. Todd has done nothing wrong. I'm sure he didn't mean whatever she thinks he said."


"That's the bell." Sal said as he grabbed Larry's hand again, "See you later Neil."

"See ya!" Neil smiled and walked to Todd's first period. 

"You really think that Todd didn't mean what he said?" Larry asked as they walked to their first period.

"I don't know. I mean, I think something happened that night that we still aren't understanding here. I think we need to do our own private investigation." Sal said. Larry nodded and they sat in their seats.

"This is going to be a long day." Larry said as he sat down in his seat. 

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