Survival .

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We where on the cliffs that over looked the water skipping rocks. I took a flat stone and transform my charka nature and threw the stone .

"Why are we here again?" Karui asked. "Where here to rest and chill, after training so LONG! We need some break" I said .

"This is stupid if I wanted to rest I would be in my room," Karui says while she sits on the tree .

I turn my head and gave her a wink then she just turns her head to the side, she's cute when she does that I thought.

"So guys I'm thinking about taking the graduation exam" I told them.

"Really you want to take the exam already Neo? What will happen to your little sister if you do that?" Sam asks me.

"You'll be find I think, I've learned everything I can from this institution, what I require is real life experience," I tell her.

She looks at me a putts her lips, "Ah my little sister is cute" I said in my mind.

"Sam you can take the exam with me you know," I say.

"Great I'll take it with you," Sam says. "I'm totally down for this as well," Omoi says as well.

Everyone turns to look at Karui waiting for her response. She just looks at us and turns away her head again.

"You do know that only six persons pass per year and to make things more difficult, their are older kids than us here who have more experience than us." Karui informs us.

I smile and say, " I thought you like a challenge, if it wasn't difficult would it be interesting at all now,"

Karui laughed and said "You are something else Neo,I'll take the exams with you don't lose before I can defeat you."

So after that day we each set a personal goal to pass the graduation exam this year.

Karui POV

I was brought to this little gathering by Asami, I can beat her any day of the weak hands down.

Yet she had this side to her that was tactical, when she insisted I come here I had no chance.

When we got to the cliffs I saw the idiot Omoi and that crazy guy Neo.

They where sitting on what clearly looks like earth made chairs, he took up a stone and I saw he waved a hand sign, this changes the shape of the stone.

"Hey girls glad you could make it",  Omoi says

I grinned, "he's really a fool" I think to myself.

"Come and take a seat girls," Neo says. I was gonna tell him a piece of my mind then Asami runs over and sits down.

To make things not weird I climb in one of the trees and sit on a branch that hang over the cliff edge.

I just sat there and then he drop the bomb, he wants to graduate, I guess I can relate.

Before I can tell him why this isn't a good idea, the brother obsessed sister and the best friend worshiper open there mouths and said, "They want to graduate too."

I wonder if were playing follow the leader. Everyone of them were looking at me, I could feel it, I hate being put on the spot like this.

I turned around my head and told them the facts they need to know. With these facts they will definitely change there mind. But it couldn't be more wrong.

I was waiting on his response when he smirked and basically told me "He likes a challenge,"
I was sold on him been crazy at that moment, but what did it make me?

Because I'm the one the agreed with a mad man.

Ashi POV                      
We where sitting around a table, the principal, Killer Bee and few colleges from work.

"As you know where having our up coming graduation ceremony your all welcome to submit participants," Osaru said.

I recommend Omoi and Niko and Killer Bee recommend his 2 other students.

Jerimaru went up and submitted 2 names as well. Someone I never expected also someone I did expect submit a scroll it was VP Renato.

Like this the examinees where selected, "So will take them in the morning, please do not tell anyone of them about this". Renato said .

We all left the meeting room, I stop Jerimaru in the hall, "I hope you don't try anything while test is going on because I can still destroy you," I told him.

"You do know your going against the Raikage wishes? And he's gonna know it was you who assist the child. Think about it lord librarian, Is becoming the Raikage enemy over a boy worth it?" Jerimaru asked.

"I don't care, for this boy I will stand against the five nations," I informed him.

He looks at me in awe, I just walk away.

I'm leaving the island in preparation for the exam, I left Omoi a message telling him to train harder.


I went to my bed determined than ever to become stronger, Omoi was fast asleep when I looked at his bed.

I closed my eyes and began to count sheep until I felt my self falling deeper into the my dreams, I fell a sleep for the first time in a while, I fell soundly a sleep.

Something was wrong I was not in my bed, opening my eyes I could see I was on the ground.

I'm really confuse, it was dark from what I could tell it was still early morning.

"Where am I? What happened to me? What's going on?" those where questions I ask myself.

I look to my right I see a weapon it looks like a gun, but it has a chamber with red fluid inside it.

This is becoming stranger by the minute.

"All of you must be Wondering what's happening," my names Osaru and some of you know me as principal," the voice says .

So the principal is involved in this, I was relieved at least the school is involved.

"All of you have been selected to be graduate but you most pass these test,"  The principal says .

My blood is boiling right now, not in the I'm competitive way but in I'm angry because I was so taken from my room without knowing.

I clench my fist as the principal continue to speak.

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