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In the passed 2 years, I've improve my usage of the yellow lightning. I focused more on the body manipulation part of it more ,

With the mastery over this jutsu I can heal almost any wound on my body .

I can control weapons with my mind but I can't really affect the molecular level of anything.

This aspect of the jutsu took much time and chakra which I don't have .

But I did find the time to study cloud release and now can make a cloud clone .

There not like regular clones they don't get destroy that easy, they can absorb most forms of physical attack, plus all jutsu can be absorb once there not lightening base or fire base .

Once I told Ashi sensei that I've master cloud clones he was skeptical at first after I showed him he actually smiled and call me a prodigy .

As he promise the chakra that I could access in my body increased rapidly .

Next up I looked over the blue lightening techniques, I don't see much that interested me expect the lightning armor .

I decided to practice that lightning release, it was hard to change your chakra into lightning .

My body felt like it was been stabbed by a thousand nails, if the yellow lightening was like second nature to produce but now its like my body is harboring a foreign substance.

I sit still tried but no matter what I did it was useless, I couldn't do it .

I needed help, I searched for the book worm of a sensei but not hide nor hair of him could be seen .

I was in pain, I might become unconscious at any moment. Then I remember both Omoi and Karui had lightning change .

I went out the window and walked on the wall to get to training ground 4 , the wind was blowing hard on my face as I walked on the side of the building .

When I reached the training grounds I could see Omoi clashing with Karui.

"Lightening style, light daggers," Omoi shouts .

A barrage of lightening like spikes shoot from his mouth, "this is cool I thought."

Karui took the attack head on, she stood there clearly defeated, that attack most pack a punch .

Puff! It was a clone the real Karui snuck behind Omoi, "lightning art magnetize," The blade in her hand started to product electricity.

The fight was clearly over,she had her blade around his neck, from where I stood it looked like snakes were dancing on her blade .

"Not so cocky now are we," she said, Omoi then grinned and said "you really are a monster Karui,"

Karui took the hilt of the blade and slam it into Omoi's face, he bent down and cover his nose.

"Your crazy, you gave me a nose bleed and not the good one I get when I go to the baths kauri", Omoi yelled .

"What do you expect, can a monster act civil?" She asked him.

"Can both of you shut up? you're distracting me," Sam told them in a Stern voice.

She then went back to reading the book in her hand .

If I hadn't been secretly observing them over the years I wouldn't know she has this side to her. She only acts sweat and kind when she's around me but when I'm not there her personality does a 180 and totally changes .

I'm observing this from the outside, nobody can see me from where I'm at.

"Weee, that was good, the way you guys got moves makes me feel like dropping a few beats," I heard the voice say.

After adjusting the mirror I could see the person, it was killer bee. Its the first I'm seeing him out side class.

"Your really brave to come here ahh, you come out" Killer be said .

"I kill hopes you got a will if I ask you better hurry and do the task you fool," he said.

It might sound cool but I knew he was serious about killing me .

"Sorry for interrupting your training I was just here to meet up with my friends," I walk threw the window and said .

"Neo what are you doing sneaking about outside?" Sam asked .

"I need help with using lightning release and Omoi and karui have already got the hang of it and I was looking for pointers," I told Sam while smiling.

"Br..o you don't need Karui I can give all the pointers you need," Omoi says while cover his bloody nose .

"Shut up you imbecile," Karui says to Omoi .

"I can help, yo let my tell you lightning can frightening but I'm going to teach you," I hear killer bee shout .

"Thanks I don't care I can take it," I say . " Good no regret if it leads to your death, let's get started," killer be rapped .

"So fool channel your chakra into this blade," he says as he takes one of the eight blades from his person and gives to me.

After closing my eyes and concentrating, I felt the blade had become ten times more heavier.

When I looked at my hand that is  holding the blade, chakra was all around it."what is lightening? it brings the pain, it falls in the rain, it is fast but never will it last, it can't be kept, unlike water or earth where chakra is changed with lightning it most be rearrange. So please take your chakra apart." He says .

I close my eyes and try to understand what he just said .

After a few minutes it came to me. I actually understood what he meant, all of it. I wonder if he's secretly a sage .

So according to him I most take my chakra apart by make it move at unimaginable speeds that will be painful also I should hurry up when I'm doing this and that no time can be wasted.

Once this is done just release it because lightening chakra change can't be stored up .

Wow it was painful but tolerable,
The feeling was great, I watch as lightning sparks appeared on the sword.

I was glad because I'm one step closer to been the strongest ninja in history.

What did you think of Killer bees rapping .

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