Parents day

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I've been training off and on with Omoi and the girls ,its been  one year since we arrived on this island .

After my bet with Karui she became not so hostile to me . I told her that for losing she would become by sparing partner .

I decided to help everyone out as well , I had them test their chakra nature Omoi had lightening and water , Sam had air and Karui was water and lightening .

Today there where no classes because it was parent's day .

Sam and I went the auditorium to meet aunt Asoni she was standing in corner to her self looking beautiful as always .

As we approached she smiled and ran then she gave us a big hard squeeze .


          Asoni POV

Its been so long since I've seen my babies .

I couldn't wait I just ran and gave them a big hug .

" you're all ground up look how tall you both are "

Niko was clearly embarrassed by me but Sam she didn't show it but I could know the where happy .

I'm so glad you both are together at the same school .

" Are you going to visit Atsui ", Sam asked

" Yes baby I will see him shortly"

We talked about all kind of stuff I hug them wish them well and went to visit Atsui .

                     Niko POV

That was very weird , I was leaving the auditorium when I saw Omoi taking to the most beautiful black goodness I've ever seen .

Out of curiosity I walk over to see her face .

She was the real deal the full package , I listen to their discussion .

" I so proud of you baby ", I heard Omoi mom say .

" I know that but dad still see me as disappointment because I'm no good at the family Jutsus", Omoi said .

"Wow he really has family problem " .

As if he knew he was been discussed I saw him appear from the cluster of people .

I'm speechless my sensi was Omoi's father .

I saw he was looking my way .
Sensei waved me over to his family .

" Now Mabui and Omoi I want you to meet my student Neo ", he said .

I could see the hurt in Omoi's as he looked at me and ran away .

I forget sometimes that he's still a
kid , so I ran behind .

           Omoi POV

I can't believe my best friend did this to me . I just ran without knowing where I'm going .

After reaching my room I don't see anyone so I began to cry .

The door open and in came the traitor him self .

" Omoi I'm sorry I didn't know he was your dad ", he said .

Well I guess I did overreact , its not like I went around telling people my dads the librarian .

" I sorry too you didn't know , but now you do you .He can't be your teacher "

" I don't know your history but that man had knowledge and ideas that can help me become stronger ", Neo says

" I look at him so its a no then ".

I never thought I would loose my first friend because of my dad .

"Why don't you train with us at the library " he asked .

" I hate my dad , isn't obvious "

" You once told me your dream is to live a carefree life with a hot wife , so you see your mom isn't she hot ,think about being strong and surpassing you dad is good think " , Neo whispered in my ear .

It was weird hearing mom refer to as hot but I got what he's say .

I was sold I'm going to study with the old man , I'm a Uzumaki after all this s stuff will be easy .

I started going to the library every other day after class with Neo , my dad and I but heads a few time but he still just looked at me and left me alone with a bunch of scrolls .

I saw Neo just there reading and writing down stuff , he handed me a paper .

" I think with you been a Uzumaki these will be the prefect fit for you",he said.

I was move to tears , I thank him and we studied and practice like this together .

Picture of Omoi's Mom

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