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Neo's POV

"Let's go," I shout after explaining my plan to everyone.

"Ninja art, cloud clone," and 4 clones fell from the sky and into the ground.

Let see how strong the future Raikage. I hope you don't disappoint me, I thought.

Darui POV

"What is this Jutsu," I wondered as Niko release a cloud from his mouth.

The weirdest thing was that the cloud floated up in the sky with the three of them on it.

I've never heard of such a Jutsu. "This was all really irritating me, I just want to sleep," i tell myself.

The  sight of four persons falling from the sky, broke me out of my trance like state.

Looking around the four copies of Niko surrounded me, hmm let's see what he does.

Before I could react a barrage of Kunais started attacking me.

I had to move swiftly, but the moment I moved I was charged at by two of his clones.

I fold up my arms into fist and hit the clone.

But I instead of disappear like most clones so, it turned a cloud and my arm was trapped inside.

I couldn't feel my fingers,it was like my hand has been cut off.

"Gotcha Sensei," Niko says from above.

Looking at the cloud the cloud that envelope my hand I could see were it's was slowly growing.

So there most be a limit to how much he can trap. "He's ...ding, ding , swiss!" Sounds were made as More Kunais came my way.

"So they plan to distract me with an airal battle or they plan to wear be down," I thought to myself.

"Ninja art, multiple shadow clone," and 5 copies of myself were summoned.

Three of my clone's got in place and attack his clone's.

Just like what happened to my arts they were trapped, however my three clone's disappeared into smoke and only small clouds were left.

They don't seem to be able to move, bit the the moment turn my attention, to the sky something comes out of the ground.

It wad Ashko, she was aiming to hit me, so I dodge here, but in that split second, I heard and a blast and the entire area was covered in water.

I was so confused, where did so much water come from so quick.

Then I remembered those small clouds, could all this water be from the three clouds.

Look at my right arm the cloud that was there was gone, I could feel my arm.

But looking at my waist, I could see that they retrieved there head bands.

It must have been in that split second, when the clouds exploded that she grabbed them.

"What a plan, did he really come up with this strategy," I wondered.

Neo's POV

"So what's your plan," Kengo asks me.

"Where dealing with a Jonin, we have to distract him and move do fast that he can't react to us getting the headbands," I explain.

"He's fast, how do you plan to distract him,"Ashko asks me.
" leave that to Kengo and me, I want you to grab the headbands when we do," I tell Ashko

"Okay, if your plan works and we past I might considering you to be my husband," Ashko winks at me and says.

I'm caught off guard by this girls thought process.

"Your going to hide yourself in the earth, I'll send you down inside my clone's, my clones and Kengo we attack him, he'll still be on his guard, the moment you attack him I'll exploded my clouds and you grab the headbands," I say to them explaining my plan.

Darui Pov

After they got the headbands, they floated up in the sky for over and hour.

I could try to attack but the moment I do the could will either split or go higher. This was an annoying Jutsu.

Doing all this was dull, I still can't believe I'm been out smart by a bunch of Genin.

It was four o'clock before they landed back on the ground.

"Congrats two of you past, you can chose who that will be," I say hoping they fall for my trap.

This was the testing method of the third Riakage. No one has ever passed this test.

"Sensei we've decided," Ashko says breaking me from my thoughts.

"That was fast," I say.

"It was easy, we decided as a team the person to send back to the academy will be.....

Next chapters!

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