Expel him

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       Jerimaru POV

I've really been trying but with all my effort I can't seem to have him expelled and to make things worst the Raikage and Minster of education are breathing down my neck .

What did I get my self into , every plan I put into motion is been stopped .

He's been studying for a year and a half and nothings work , he must get him expelled .

Using my power as dorm supervisor I went and checked the records of everyone in his room , I selected the two who seem easy to manipulate .

The plan was put into motion .
I gave the boys some of the forbidden scrolls in the library that no one had access to.

I told them to place the scrolls in the belongings of the Niko .

The next day I did a surprise inspection of everyone's room , when I got to room 606 I saw them all lined up .

I search the room very slowly then when I got to his items I found the scrolls .

With a look of surprise I asked "who's stuff are these", and the boy whom I've watch over for year answers .

"The stuff in there are mind but I don't know how these scrolls got there " he said .

Ah I feel like a bad guy ," I'm sorry kid but I'm just doing my job ", I said in my head .

" Kid according to the school rules your expelled ",I said .

" I suggest you pack your stuff and meet me at the entrance in 30 minutes " I told him while leaving the room with scrolls I'm hand .

          Neo POV

I was at a last for words, those scrolls weren't mine plus why would I need forbidden scrolls .

All my hard word down the drain , I feel like am about to cry,  Then Rui approach me .

" I always knew something was off about you, if you've taken anything form me I suggest you leave it before you go ,he said while looking at me with judgment in his eyes .

I looked away from this idiot and saw the 2 other kids in our room , I think there names where Fo and So .

I could see when I looked at them there heads facing down .

I looked to my left to tell Omoi goodbye but before the words could leave by mouth he runs and hugs me while crying  .

We stay like this for awhile until he brakes our hug and runs form the room in fastest speed I've seen him move .

I was a little puzzled, I guess he can't manage me leaving. I'll just write him a letter instead .

I packed all my stuff and was ready to go . 

I place the letter on Omoi's bed before I went out the door I walk to the entrance of the dorm .

As I moved I capture ever aspect of the building knowing its my last time here .

I won't miss much except training with Sam and the rest even the hot tempered Karui .

I saw Jerimaru standing at the door waiting for me . We began to walk away from the dormitory with him in front of me leading the way .

" For what its worth I believe your innocent but rules are rules " he said as we reach the dock .

There was a little boat in the water .

" So this is my ride " ? I asked

He looked at me and says "yes" .

"Goodbye " was what I said as I got on the boat .

             Ashi POV

This is bad I almost missed this .

Sitting in my office the doors were force open , in came my son .

I was ready to reprimand him when I saw that he was crying .

" Dad you have to help Neo, he is gonna be expelled " , Omoi said .

" How did this happen I asked " ?

Omoi answers my question telling me everything that happen.

" I see Jerimaru most likely planted those scrolls there himself ". I said while thinking .

I've been one step ahead of him, stopping his handy works .

I search for what I need and teleport myself to the docks .

"Hello Jerimaru I heard your trying to expel a student of mind" I said .

He was shocked, right away he told me "Minster I'm sorry but he took a forbidden book from the library and stored it in his room", Jerimaru said .

" You do know that everything that happens in this village is known by me ? " I said

I can see him begin to sweat . although I was upset this was still a little fun .

" Let me tell you a story , the Raikage wants to send this boy home but he can't move against a person that's a regular citizen . So he sent you to the ministry of education and that's how you ended up here on your mission"
I informed him.

He couldn't response , Jerimaru held his head down .

" Here " I said , he took the paper from my hand and open it up .

" That there is proof that you are the person whom borrowed the scrolls ".

" This can be brought to the principal attention or you can apologize to my student saying it was a mistake ",

I could see that he saw this my way .then I began to leave .

"Oh yeah don't try anything like this again and leave my name out of any reports you send ", I told him .

After getting that over I went and the boat and told Niko "come on".

We reach to my private quarters, you and I will be staying here .

"Why did someone try to frame"?
Niko asked me .

"Kid I don't know buy I can only help do so much you have to graduate fast " .

I could see the determination in his eyes .

" And you should thank Omoi because he is the one that let me be aware of what was going on".

                        Neo POV

I've trained so hard, honestly I was scared but Sensi and Omoi came thru for me in the end .

I have to become stronger so I can graduate and become a ninja .

This could happen again so I decide to put must my time into training and studying.

Omoi was like my shadow after this incident he stuck to me like glue . well I considered him my brother .

When I told Sam about it she cried and told me to be careful .

Karui just cut her eyes and said ," if you leave here , I'll kill you " . it was good to know she had a heart .

As hard as this was it only made me stronger because there is a popular staying my grandma said, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger " .

After observing what occurred on the dock , I knew Jerimaru was sent there to get me expelled .

What I couldn't understand was why my father , my blood going thru all this trouble to have me expelled .

Then it came to me, That I really don't care, What ever his reason
that won't stop me.

"I think So and Fo set me up and want vengeance" I told Omoi .

Omoi smiled and he agreed with me,"When and how "? he asked .

" Easy there we will get them in time", I told Omoi  .

We just kept on studying and training , Like this 2 years had passed .

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