Champ Champ

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Neo's POV

Getting up this morning I head into the shower to take a bath, I shared a bedroom with Atsui.

He wasn't in the room knowing him, he probably got up to train.

The guy was addicted to working out, he would get up everyday a work on his chakra control.

I use to get up early to train, after seeing me training he didn't want to be out done so he asked me to help him train.

The guy was a freak that once he lost to me, he decided to work harder so he can defeat me.

"AHH just thinking about Atsui gave me a headache," I thought.

I opened the bathroom door and I was shocked, Atsui was in the door way with his stupid smile.

"Shit dude you almost gave me a heart attack," I shout at him.

"Boys what's happening," mom tells from down stairs.

"Nothing mom," Atsui tells back, "okay but come eat breakfast," Mom says.

"Let's go training after breakfast," Atsui says to me.

I sigh and say, " Bro I'm going on a mission, so I can't," I tell him.

"Okay I'll find Sam to see if she wants to spar with me," he tells me and move from the door.

Taking shower, I then got dressed an went down stairs to eat.

"Where are you going in such a hurry" my asks me.

"Have to get going I'm going in a mission," I tell her and run out the door.

Moving swiftly I reached the raikage's head office in under 10 minutes.

Arriving I stand outside and wait for everyone else.

"Your here Niko," i hear someone screech.  Looking behind me I say her.

Ashko sitting on the roof of a building, she was smiling down at me.

"Your finally here, why men always late can't they show up early," she mumbles.

"Is this chick insane," I wondered.

"AHH both of you are early," someone says. Looking Infront of us I say Darui there with his hand in is hair.

"Let's go," Darui says as enters the building.

"Wait what about Kengo," I ask him.

"He'll have to catch up," he says and walks inside.

Ashko and I were following him, when we heard, the annoying voice if Kengo.

"Wait for me," Kengo says as he runs to catch up to us.

Breathing hard, he kneels down and try's to catch his breath.

"Sorry I'm late Sensei," he says and wobbles as he try's to walk.

We walked into the Riakage's building, it was a huge building in the side of s mountain that over looked the village.

We walked into the Riakage's building, it was a huge building in the side of s mountain that over looked the village

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Raikage's office pic above

Kengo's pov

I woke up late because I fell asleep praying.

Because I was in the second garden I didn't hear when they rang the temple bell.

I usually rely on it to get up in the mornings.

When go up I was way behind time I couldn't shower or brush my teeth.

Hurrying up I ran out of the temple and was about to jump from the mountain top.

But before I could Master Tasukai appeared before me.

"What have we discussed," he asked me.

I felt ashamed as he caught me red handed.

"Okay master, I'll go a shower before I bath," I tell him.

I huryly to took a shower and brush my teeth. After cleaning up I was ready to leave.

"Have a good day master Tasukai appeared before me and said.

Not wanting to be late I jump from the mountain and activate one of the four circles of lord Sukaigummo that I was blessed with.

I took the impact for me so that I landed on the water without any difficulty.

After landing I started to ran like I've never ran before.

I finally caught up to everyone but I was tired. I could only pray lord Sukaigummo gives me strength.

I compose myself and try to behave like the disciple of good that I am.

"This is our client," Sensei Dauri says as we walk into a room with a little girl and a lady sitting arround a table.

"This is lady Toni and she's the one request us to complete a mission for her," Darui says.

"What in this earth could this little girl need ninjas to do,"

"Thank you all, lady Toki's pet rabbit Champ Champ got away and she wants to contract you to find it," the lady beside the little girl says.

She looked like she was in her late forties, not ready my type but the little girl was cute. It was too bad she was so young.

"Not be rude, why do you need ninjas to catch a pet rabbit," Ashko asks her.

"Ahm ahm," she mumbles and plays with her fingers.

"Sorry lady Toki is shy, it's no ordinary rabbit," the lady beside Toki says and pulls out a picture to show us.

"Sorry lady Toki is shy, it's no ordinary rabbit," the lady beside Toki says and pulls out a picture to show us

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"Wait that can't be," I wonder but Ashko words confirm my thoughts.

"That's a jewel rabbit, there dangerous, how can you have one as a pet,"  Ashko says.

"What are Jewel rabbits," Niko asks.

I was surprised he doesn't know because there one of the few species no one is allowed to have.

"There are rare breed of rabbits that live on the clouds islands, they are carnivores and can kill and animal with its fart depending on the prey, they are band because they are known to eat humans and can spread a range of viruses to plants known as the Jewel virus Which makes you go crazy," Darui explains.

"Wow so why is this little girl able to get one," Niko says out loud.

"Champ Champ is not dangerous, I've had him since he was a baby, he saved my life from the other rabbits when I was lost in the cloud sea," Toki says and starts to cry.

"Lady Toki father is master Takoi , he is the richest merchant in the land of lighting, he pays for a special permit so lady Toki can keep her pet, we don't know what happened yesterday but some how he got out of his cage" The lady says.

Walking up to her I held Toki's hand and say while grinning, "don't worry as a disciple of Sukaigummo I promise to return rabbit to you,"

But all that ran through my mi d was, "she's rich, filth rich, money more money, I can't wait to get rich from this little sucker,"

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