Team X

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Darui POV

" It was easy, we decided as a team the person to send back to the academy will be you Dauri Sensei,"

How did they know, impossible, most people in this situation can't think correctly.

They would fight internally since it was three persons and wouldn't be able to give an answer.

No one would want to go back to the academy so they would fight internally.

Even forcing their the members to go back.

But these kids saw through the options and choose to be united.

"Sorry lord A," I said as I made up my mind to be these genins Captain.

"Congratulations all of you pass," I say.

"Yessss!" Ashko screams and hugs  Niko.

"Go home, meet me at the Riakages office for our first team mission tomorrow," I tell them and disappear.

Neo's POV

"Are you sure about this Niko," Ashko asks me.

"Yeah based on what he said in the being we can choose one person to go back, instead of us arguing let's just choose him. " I tell them.

"Mostly this is a another test, to see how well we can work as a team," I thought.

After we passed his final test, Darui dismissed us and told us to meet him at the Riakage's office to get our first mission.

"Hey wait up for us," Kengo  run behind me and shout.

"Where are you heading," Kengo asks me.

"Home," I respond in a sarcastic voice.

"Since your strong I've decided that your worth enough to be a deciple of lord Sukaigummo," he says with such conviction in his Voice.

He reminds of those Christians on earth who are more holy than the world, they weren't had guys like him but they were to over zealous.

I wanted to let him down but then I looked at the weapon in his hand.

It was strange and I wanted to know about it.

"That thing in your hand can I see It," ask him.

"Only God choosen deciple can hold the Aku no shimo," he said.

I was curious about his weapon, so I activated my lightning chakra change and grabbed the ring of his weapon.

The moment my body touched that weapon, all the chakra was sucked out of my body in an instant.

My body became so weak, it was like, my soul was being sucked out of the body.

I was dieing, it happened in a second, I hand to release my hand right away.

All this happened in a second.

"What was that weapon," I wondered as I'm ok my needs trying to get move.

It was unimaginable that, I could be reduced to this state in seconds.

"I warned you that only a true deciple of Sukaigummo can hold Aku no shimo," he boasted and looked down at me.

I loathed this guy before but now I just hate his arse.

"Now you understand how powerful I really am," he says.

I wanted to give him a peace of my mind, but he I was breathing hard as a turtle.

Before I could do anything, he picks me up and put me on his back.

"Let's go, you'll love the temple," he says and walks off with me on his back.

Raikage's POV

"C, to is Darui back as yet," I asks him.

"He's no back, as yet but he should be here any moment," He tells me.

But in the middle of our talk the door opens and  Dauri comes in.

"Sorry that I'm a little late," Darui says and comes Infront of me.

"Do how do it go," i asks him. "Lord A, team X passed my test,"

I was beyond frustrated, "how are you sure that you didn't go easy on them," I asks him.

"Lord A, I used the same method that the third Riakage used to test his selected ANBU grow," he informs me.

"I can't believe a he passed that test, even I failed my father's test the first time he trained me and my team," I thought.

"Very well you'll continue on as there Captain until, I can find someone else," I inform Darui.

"I understand," he says and leaves my office.

"I can't have him as there Captain for too long, he was my right hand shinobi," I thought.

I let out a sight as it dawned on me, that I can no longer protect him.

"I have no other choice but to let him become a strong shinobi that can defend himself." I think to myself.

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