Eating Out

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Neo's pov

After we captured the rabbit we got it back to the spoil little girl.

Toki thank us and left with her maid and butler.

"Great work team you have the weekend off," Darui tells us.

"Wait what about my pay," I ask him.

"Oh I forgot," he says while ruffling his white hair.

"Money is a sin and as a Disciple of Lord the Sukaigummo," Kengo spurts out.

"Since you don't want your payment , why don't you give me your share," I say to him hoping he agrees.

Although I've come to this world 12 years now, and have more experience than others.

I was still lacking one thing and that was money.

With my chakra locked away I wasn't able to do much beside try to master what little Jutsus I knew.

Leaving me no time to make money and even if I could make money, it would take too much time.

And I needed every second of training for what's about to come.

"I don't mine giving you my pay fellow disciple but you have to come to temple one time every week once your in the village," Kengo says.

I could feel a chill run down my back as I think about there cult but the money.

"Okay I will go to temple, " I say.

"Great junior disciple,  let make a pledge with Aku no Shimo," he says as he stretch out that strange weapon of his.

I was scared to touch it after what happened last time.

Kengo put on a creepy smile, "don't worry once were both holding it, and I use pledge it won't take away your chakra,"

I was desperate for the cash so I agreed.

"Pledge Aku no Shimo," he says and the thing starts to turn Yellow

grabbing the strange weapon of his a feeling of fear comes over me.

"I promise to hand over my waige earned on missions to my junior Taoist, "

" I will come to the temple once a weak," I say next and then it returns to it's original colour of black.

We all went out ways after getting pays, I now had nine hundred Yun.

Walking along the way I decide to celebrate my first paycheck, looking around i saw a restaurant.

Stepping inside the aroma of the spice  meat assaulted my nose.

My mouth began to water as I ate.

"How can i help you," a beautiful mature lady came up and asked me.

"Ahh I need the best thing you have on the menu!" I tell her.

"Okay then take a seat," she says looking arround the restaurant I found the best seat possible.

It had an amazing view, i could see the clouds on a hill side blending in with the sakura blossoms.

It had an amazing view, i could see the clouds on a hill side blending in with the sakura blossoms

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What Niko is seeing from His view.

In no time the sexy beauty returns with my food.

Just looking at the plate with pilaf and Barbeque before made my appetite grew again.

The beef tasted so good, not to mention the rice.

Everything was excellence, I was enjoying my food so much that i didn't even notice that a small girl came at my table.

"Hey buster, your in my spot," I heard someone shout.

Looking I saw a small girl standing at my table with a ninja by her side.

"Excuse did you say something, " I asked both of them.

"Yeah, find another table. This is the one I always eat at ," she says angrily.

"No gonna happen little girl, don't you have any manners, don't you see me eating," I sneered at her.

She was really a rude brat for her age.

"Are you deaf lady Q, says you should fine another table you scum," the ninja beside her says to me angrily.

"Oh," I reply and start to get up.

I could see both of them start to smile, but in the next second I activated my blue lightening maximizing my speed.

Sneeking behind the ninjas back, I change the lightning on my right hand to yellow flow.

Hitting him on the back of his neck, I deactivated all his nerve cells sending signals to his brain.

Dropping him to the floor "Bloom" creating a scene as everyone gasped.

Please tell me what you think.

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