Chapter 43

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Chapter 43



Sorry for being gone for so long! My vacation in Jordan was beyond epic, and my new intership is pretty awesome. So.. I've been busy and I will continue to be. I'm also still working on editing SBS for publication. Next week I will reveal the cover for the book, so stay tuned on Facebook! :D I hope I'll be able to keep posting chapter of ATOR every week... I will surely try!!

This chapter and next ones take place in Miami. The hotels and clubs I use for the story are real places, but I made them into fiction. That means I changed their location in the town and other details like the way the interior looks, the owners, and so on.

The club they go to celebrate Dylan’s birthday is an actual bar in Miami, but it’s not located on South Beach. There isn’t an actual glass floor in the actual lounge bar, although I did use the pictures I found on the internet as inspiration.

The Dream South Beach Hotel they will visit later on is a real place too, but I also took some liberties here.

I’ve tried to get the feel of the South Beach of Miami right, but I didn’t describe the way it actually is. So feel free to comment on the overall sense of the places I describe to help me get it better, but don’t expect me to give a perfect description of the actual hotel and club. That’s not my intention. I’m merely using the reality as inspiration for my fiction!


Ben’s room felt eerily silent after everything that had happened the past few hours. I welcomed the peace and quiet, perfectly content to sit down and lean my head back against the lush material of the comfy love seat I had chosen. Eros fitted nearly into the space I had left beside me, his arms sneaking around my shoulders without disturbing my meditative state. His lips brushed my cheek and I smiled without opening my eyes. Even when everything was in shambles around me, he still managed to make me feel at home. As long as I had him, all would be just fine.

“Look,” Ben said, being the first one to speak after a long stretch of silence. “I didn’t mean to upset any of you, okay? You’re so goddamn green.”

“Dem’s hair is red, not green,” Dylan said in an attempt to lighten the mood. “What are you, color-blind?”

Benjamin chuckled. “My my, the angry nephew is cracking a joke.”

“You’re awfully good at compulsion,” Eros said, not able to hide how intrigued he was. I could feel he was impressed by Benjamin’s obnoxious show of strength down in the bar, even though he didn’t approve of his actions. I could hardly blame him: it must be amazing for him to finally meet someone with the same powers he was struggling with. Someone other than my batshit crazy father.

“Like I said, I’m willing to teach you,” Benjamin told him. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at Eros in what looked like genuine affection. Seemed like smugness wasn’t the only emotion he could feel after all.

I was just about to start scolding my uncle on the careless way he treated humans when a loud thump sounded in the adjacent room – the bedroom, I presumed. The door squeaked when it opened at a crack.

“Benjamin?” a soft female voice sounded, trembling with fear. “Do you have company?”

The change in Ben was astounding to watch. Every resemblance of humor, amusement or even arrogance disappeared and was replaced by a kind, loving smile as he rushed over to the door.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now