Chapter 25: Come on now babe, let's seal it with a kiss.

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In the morning, Gerard and I woke up and none of his family was here, his parents were but even Mikey and Kristin had left. I woke up before Gerard and started shaking him in order to wake him up. Gerard's eyelids fluttered open and he looked at me, sitting up and kissing my lips.

"Good morning" Gerard said.

"M-m-morning" I smiled.

"We should probably start going home huh?" Gerard asked.

I nodded and pulled Gerard out of bed as we both started packing up our stuff. We brought our bags to the front door and Donna and Don were sitting in the kitchen, talking and drinking coffee.

"Breakfast?" Gerard asked me.

"O-okay" I smiled and we walked into the kitchen.

I poured two bowls of cereal and Gerard poured mugs of coffee for him and I. We ate breakfast quickly and were about to step out the door but were stopped by Don and Donna saying goodbye to us.

"Take care of him, Gerard and Frank you do the same" Don said.

I smiled and looked at Gerard before he grabbed my hand and lead me out of his parent's house. We got in Gerard's car and started to drive the opposite way of Mikey's house.

"G-Gerard, your going the w-wrong w-w-way" I said.

"No I'm not, I know where I'm going." Gerard said.

I just shrugged and continued to look ahead at the road passing in front of me. When we got to a set of stoplights and the light turned red, Gerard leaned over to where I was sitting and kissed my cheek. I still thought that Gerard didn't know where he was going but I decided to listen to him.

The streets were covered in light and fluffy snow as it fell from the sky. It was really nice to be back where the weather was normal and it wasn't boiling out 24/7.

We stopped in front of an apartment building and I looked at Gerard, surprised. I looked at the building once more. It was a nice building and it wasn't small either. I turned to Gerard.

"W-what are we do-doing here?" I asked.

"We live here" Gerard said.

Gerard said we. We lived here. I stepped out of the car and so did Gerard, walking to where he was and hugging him tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. Gerard grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the building and walked to an elevator with me.

We stepped inside a room that was labeled 7B. There were boxes in the apartment, containing some of Gerard's things. I smiled as I walked around the apartment looking at everything. There was only one room where everything was actually set out and that was what I guessed to be Gerard's and my room.

"H-how did you aff-afford this?" I asked.

"I got a job at the comic store on seventeenth. Now you don't have to go back to Cali" Gerard said.

I smiled at him and hugged him, still wondering what I should do in order to get some of my stuff from California but Gerard had told me he had everything worked out.

"How is this for a start? Until we get married and have a family..." Gerard said and smiled.

"It's p-perfect" I smiled and pressed my lips to his once again.

I smiled into the kiss as Gerard kissed me back softly. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes and kissed my cheek once more before grabbing my hand.

"Let's look around, shall we?" Gerard smiled.

"O-okay" I smiled back as Gerard took my hand and lead me around our apartment.


Authors note;

that's it.

woah. Thanks for putting up with me for 25 chapters.

You guys rule.

No one should be in pain.

Killjoys, one last time. Make some noise.

For the last time,

T xoxo

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