Chapter 17: Many bad days have got to end.

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*Frank's POV*

"Frank wake up! I have something important for you!" I heard Jack say.

"N-no! Nothing is more important than my sl-eep." I groaned and buried my head under my pillow.

"How about me?" Jack asked.

"Uh-uh" I said.

"How about food?" Jack asked.

"I c-can starve"

"How about Gerard?" Jack asked.

I pulled the pillow off of my head and looked around. Jack was standing at the doorway of my hotel room, smirking at me.

"O-okay Gerard is more imp-portant" I replied.

"Cool. Now get up, we're going to the studio" Jack said.

"No. C-can I stay h-here? I'm an adult-t I can make my o-own choices" I said.

"Fine. We'll be there all day and I might have my phone off but you know Hopeless' number if you need anything" Jack said.

I nodded and watched as Jack left my room. Almost the second Jack left, I picked up my laptop and tried to Face Time Gerard. I waited five rings but no answer. I hung up because of possible bad connection so I went to the kitchen table, dragging all the blankets from my bed to the table and trying again. Once again I didn't get an answer so I decided to give up on trying to contact Gerard and instead start blasting Fall Out Boy and making breakfast. Gerard made pancakes for him and I a couple times. I let the pancakes sit in the pan for a minute and texted Gerard with the messages app on my laptop. I finished making a batch of pancakes and set out a stack on the plate. As I was sitting down and pouring syrup on my pancakes I got an incoming Face Time call. I smiled and his answer and I saw Gerard's face appear on the laptop's screen.

"Hey Frank" Gerard said.

"H-Hi Gerard!" I exclaimed.

"What's going on there?" Gerard asked.

"I-I just made panc-cakes!" I said and held up my plate of pancakes.

"Sweet!" Gerard replied.

"I m-miss you" I sighed.

"I miss you too, I'll see you soon. Only four months right?" Gerard said.

I nodded.

Soon I could hear Gerard's cell phone ring from his pocket and him look down. He blushed and said goodbye to me as he absolutely had to answer it. I said goodbye to Gerard and hung up Face Time and pressing play to my music again, this time turning it down a little because I didn't want it to be so loud that the neighbors would complain. A little bubble showed up at the top screen of my laptop and it showed that Gerard messaged me.

"Hey babe, two days til your birthday! I've just got your present" Gerard said.

"Yay! Thanks G" I replied.

"Alright well bye Frank xxoo"

"Bye G xo" I texted.

I spent most of my day dancing around, listening to music and watching TV all until All Time Low got back. Alex, Zack and Rian all went to their rooms and Jack came to sit on the couch with me where I was on my laptop and scrolling through tumblr.

"Whatcha doing?" Jack asked me.

I turned my laptop towards Jack. He sighed and nodded his head. Jack looked exhausted. He rested his head on my shoulder and peered over my shoulder as I continued to scroll through my tumblr. Jacks phone started ringing and he shot up, walking the short distance to the kitchen. I could hear the conversation he was having with the other person on the line.

"So you got 'em?" Jack asked. "Tomorrow? Alright"

He continued to talk with whoever was on the phone for a couple more minutes before hanging up and walking back to where I was and sat down next to me.

"W-who was that?" I asked.

"Uh, the Hopeless record people" Jack replied. "They got new guitars and they want us to go in again tomorrow." Jack said.

"O-oh. Alri-right" I said.

I picked up all my blankets and laptop and walked back over to my small room and laying down on the bed, texting Gerard goodnight before falling asleep.

Authors note:

IDK what to say.

Shout out to Holly who I found out today is reading this so cool, also to Frankie for the mento that persuaded me to update XD you guys are hella rad.

Your misery and hate will kill us all.

T xoxo

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