Chapter 23: No one understands you but someone's gotta try

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Today was Christmas Eve and Gerard told me that Mikey and his girlfriend were coming over for dinner tonight but until then, Gerard and I didn't have to worry.

Gerard was in the kitchen, making his morning coffee and I was sitting on the couch, playing games on my phone. His parents both weren't up yet but Gerard told me they'd be up soon. Gerard walked over to the couch that I was sitting and handed me a cup of coffee.

I started sipping my coffee and talking with Gerard about our morning and everything that happened in the past couple months that we hadn't seen each other for.

Soon Gerard's parents got up, looking tired and walking to the kitchen to pour themselves cups of coffee. Soon Donna and Don sat down in the living room, near Gerard and I.

"Did you two work everything out last night?" Donna asked.

I looked to Gerard and nodded as Gerard pulled me closer to him. Don and Donna knew that we weren't exactly great last night but they didn't know exactly what we were fighting about. Gerard kissed my cheek for a second before pulling away and taking another sip of his coffee.

Gerard and I agreed today that we would stay in our pyjamas and not really do much. I was looking around the house and there were Christmas decorations everywhere. There was a large Christmas tree in the right corner of the room and there were multiple presents stuck underneath.

At around noon Gerard and I went downstairs and decided to change clothes, just into a new pair of pyjamas. I pulled out a pair of pyjamas from my bag and took off my shirt, about to change until Gerard walked over to me.

"Frank, I've never seen your tattoos before, they're amazing" Gerard said as he walked over to me and placed his hands on my hips. I was still shirtless and I was blushing like crazy.

"Th-thanks" I smiled. Gerard's eyes seemed to be fixed on the bluebirds printed on my hips.

"I love you" Gerard sighed.

"I-I-I love you t-too G-Gee" I replied.

Gerard kissed the corner of my mouth and started twirling a strand of my hair in between his fingers. Soon we ran upstairs in our pyjamas and went back to doing next to nothing.

Later in the day, there was a knock at the door and Mikey and his girlfriend stepped into the house. They both came and sat down in the room with Gerard and I, but Mikey kept his distance from us.

I was almost sure Mikey was homophobic, it would for sure make a lot of sense as to why Mikey was so mean to Gerard and I.

“Mikey are you staying overnight?” Don asked.

“I think so, we’ll stay and that way we don’t have to come back tomorrow morning” Mikey replied.

I didn’t mind seeing Mikey so I was alright with him staying over, I mean as long as we didn’t bother each other it was alright.

At dinner we were all having conversation and Donna and Don kept asking Gerard and I questions about our relationship. Mikey and Kristin were both sitting at the opposite end of the table of me and Gerard. Kristin rested her head on Mikey’s shoulder and wrapped her arms around Mikey’s torso.

“Kristin, careful, don’t do that. I might become a mute” Mikey said smirking. Gerard looked at me, like he was hurt from what Mikey said but I decided to do something.

“M-Mikey, I re-really don’t l-like you.” I stuttered out. “Mr. and Mrs. Way, I-I’m sor-rry. Both your s-sons are gr-great but Mikey has been m-mean to me from d-da-day one. I-I-I hope you’re n-not mad at m-me.”

Gerard stood up and grabbed Mikey’s arm, pulling him out of the kitchen which just left me, Gerard’s parents and Mikey’s girlfriend. Kristin stood up and walked over to me, kneeling down beside my chair.

“Frank, I’m so sorry for Mikey. I understand. Mikey does this to a lot of people...You’re a great person” She said and I turned to her and looked at her. Kristin wrapped her arms around me and hugged me for a couple seconds before glancing out of the kitchen and looking at Gerard and Mikey talking.

“Uhh...your hair is really pretty” Kristin said and smiled awkwardly.

“Th-thank you” I said and smiled back.

We both waited until Mikey and Gerard walked back into the kitchen. When they did, Kristin returned to her seat and Gerard came and sat down next to me. Mikey didn’t talk for the rest of dinner which was weird for him because Mikey always talked. Gerard grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it reassuringly.

After dinner was done, Gerard’s parents were asking us if we wanted all kinds of desserts and such but we all refused as to how full we were. I curled up on the couch in Gerard’s lap and was starting to fall asleep, even tough it was some-what early.

Gerard tried to keep me up by putting on The Nightmare Before Christmas, which really was one of my favourite movies and I started to watch the movie, still falling asleep but less so now.

I fell asleep halfway through the movie and I could still hear everything that was going on. After the movie, Gerard said goodnight to his parents and Mikey and Kristin and picked me up, carrying me downstairs to his room.

Gerard set me down on his bed and tucked me in. I could hear the familiar sound of pill bottles being opened and the medication taken out of the bottles but I didn’t wake up. Soon Gerard placed the bottles back down on his desk and laid down behind me, kissing me cheek and falling asleep for the night.

Authors note.

It's almost finished. Woah

thank you for reading all my gayness and stuff :)

I'll meet your eyes; I mean this forever.

T xoxo

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